At the very least, I hoped Funk of Titans would offer a great soundtrack. Some of the music is good, but far from great and even farther from what you’d expect from a game themed around music. Each of the four worlds is themed after musical genres like rap and rock. Beyond some very simple theming, neither the visuals nor the music represents the genres particularly well. The only time you get a hint of rock music (or really any genre-specific track) is during end world boss battles. Even then, the music doesn't do the game’s theme any justice.
When the camera is pulled back, Funk of Titans looks great. Despite the lack of appropriate theming, levels are clean and colorful. The game also runs incredibly smooth, which is what you want when a bulk of your playtime is centered on making sure jumps and attacks are timed correctly. Still, it is hard to look at Funk of Titans and not see the wasted potential. When the game pulls in, mainly during quick-time boss battles, some of shine is lost. Models look a bit bland and blurry.