There’s a lot to like about the game’s visuals. Tiny Troopers is in no way a showcase piece for any of the three systems it is available on (cross-buy for PS4, PS3, and Vita), but for the price, it doesn’t look bad either. Most environments, as well as the troops, are made up of simple shapes without a lot of detail. There’s lots of room for visual upgrades – particularly on the PS4 version – but I’m not sure if I’d want them since they would distract from an otherwise nice looking game. I actually appreciated the bright colors and simple environments, particularly at a time when it seems some games are on a quest to discover how much darker colors can get without turning black.
Audio is on par with the visuals. Nothing really stands out, but at the same time, nothing stands out in a bad way either. As is the case with most of the presentation, they’re simple but effective.