Again, perhaps if I were seven or eight, and didn't really have a developed taste in music, the uninspired (and I will use this word a lot) and repetitive (I will use this a lot too) music wouldn't bother me too terribly much. However, I have no eight year-olds to test this theory on... so my thoughts on the matter will have to suffice. I just keep telling myself that kids are loud and obnoxiously ADHD anyway, so they wouldn't notice the soundtrack. At least the sound effects were halfway decent.
The graphics for Hot Wheels: Beat That! on the Wii are about par with the rest of the game. I wasn't expecting much in terms of graphics, and I wasn't disappointed. The lighting is pretty neat; for some reason it reminds me of a pinball machine. The colors are also bright enough to keep the attention of any small child that tends to get distracted easily. Hot Wheels: Beat That! is very, very pixalicious. I thought my contacts were sticking to my eyes at one point, but again, I sincerely doubt kids will notice. They will be more interested in the brightly colored cars that are wooshing by on their screen.