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Dead or Alive 4: DOA 4
Company: Tecmo

When the Xbox first launched in 2001, one of its marquee titles was Dead or Alive 3. At the time, this was seen as a small coup for Microsoft, but in the long term, it actually turned out to be an even bigger one. Not only did DOA 3 prove to be one of the system's best sellers, but it also helped to lay the groundwork for Ninja Gaiden, another big hit for the Xbox. Perhaps hoping that lighting will strike twice, Microsoft has secured Dead or Alive 4 to show up alongside the Xbox 360 at launch.

Story is one area that most, if not all, fighting games have come up short on. While most set up a basic plot, few have ever tried to tell a cohesive narrative. Instead, the few story elements that do show up are basically just a reason to throw you back into the fray and set up another fight. Because of this, one of the main foci with Dead or Alive 4 is its plot, which Team Ninja hopes will tell a story that actually makes sense and hopefully makes you want to continue playing for reasons other than the fights or ahem... other reasons.

Dead or Alive 4?s story follows Helena, the winner of the third Dead or Alive tournament, who has since become the head of the DOATEC corporation. What happens beyond that really hasn't been announced, though it's pretty clear that you can expect it to set up a few fights and give you a chance to play as different members of the game's cast. Expect to see a number of returning members from past games, including Ryu (fresh off his stint in Ninja Gaiden), Kasumi and Christie. A few new characters will also show up, including a young fighter named Elliot, who is a student of Gen Fu and La Mariposa, a masked female wrestler. Also joining the tournament is Koroko, who apparently has a history with Helena and DOATEC.

And, as if the cast of fighters wasn't already big enough, a mysterious Halo-inspired fighter, Spartan-458, will also be an unlockable extra as well as a special Halo arena.

In terms of gameplay, Dead or Alive 4 is sticking to its guns and offering the same general experience as previous installments. However, there will be a number of noticeable improvements to the formula to keep the game from feeling stale. In addition to enhanced physics, the game will also feature two "levels" of gameplay that will be integrated into the fighting system. The main difference between these two styles is the inclusion of counter moves, which will be pretty hard to pull off, making it more for veteran players rather than everyone. The goal is to give fights an even greater impact and speed.

Arenas will also have a bigger impact on the flow of matches, and may even have some influence on the outcomes. One arena features on-coming traffic that, if timed correctly, could be used to injure your opponent. Other environmental factors include a temple with a long set of stairs that you can send fighters tumbling down and objects that can be used as cover.

The online experience promises to be one of the game's more unique factors, but not because of its gameplay. While waiting for matches, players will be able to occupy a "waiting room" of sorts where they can interact with other players. What makes these lounges unique is that each has a particular theme, and everyone inside the room will take on an appearance that goes along with the room's theme. For example, while in a jungle-themed room, one player could appear as a monkey while another could be an elephant. The exact number of rooms (and themes) has yet to be pinned down.

So far, Dead or Alive 4 looks like it is headed in the right direction and should be available at launch.

-Starscream, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ricky Tucker
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