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Perfect Dark Zero: A Perfect Sequel
Company: Rare

Of all the game's slated for the Xbox 360's launch later this month, perhaps none has gained as much attention as Perfect Dark Zero. Originally slated for the GameCube, PD0 soon found a home on the Xbox when Microsoft bought Rare. However, seeing as how the Xbox's life span was coming to a close, Rare decided that instead of releasing it on the Xbox, they would instead hold it back and release it for the 360 instead where, barring any last minute cataclysms, it should finally be released.

When the game was first shown on MTV's 360 Launch Special a few days before E3 2005, internet forums exploded with cries of "Xbox 1.5" and other, more colorful remarks made towards the game's lackluster appearance. While I would love to tell you that the outcry was the typical fanboy nonsense, the masses did have a point, that regardless what Elijah Wood and Fez told you, PD0 did not look like a next generation game. Now, with little under a month before release, it seems like the guys at Rare have more than recovered from their initial stumble and might just have a title that can do for the 360 what Halo did for the Xbox (no pressure there, right guys?).

Many of PD0's single-player features are still being kept under wraps, but what we do know is still enough to get excited over. Perfect Dark Zero is the prequel to Perfect Dark, which was released on the N64 in 2000 to much praise. The game's story takes place in the midst of a secret war between two shadow corporations each vying for control of the world. It's during this war that Joanna first makes her mark, going from your typical girl-next-door to one of the world's greatest super spies. Seeing as how she's still green to the whole spy game, Joanna will be joined by her father, Jack, who will accompany her though many of the game's missions. Jack will also be a playable character for players when they team up with a friend in the game's Co-op multiplayer mode.

Like the N64 version, PD0 is still very much a first-person shooter, but Rare has gone back and adjusted the formula in order to give the game a fresher feel. One of the newer gameplay additions is the dodge feature, which will pull the camera into a third-person view and allow Joanna to roll and dodge around obstacles. Dodges can also be used to help her find better cover positions during the game's many firefights. The use of cover is also a big part of the game as Joanna can use nearly anything in the environment as a shield with the press of a button.

The original Perfect Dark was known for it's unique gun-types and multitude of gadgets, and PD0 should not disappoint in either of these respects. The assortment of weapons, which should round out at about 28 once all is said and done, include both old time standards and some new guns. Fan favorites like the Far Sight and laptop rifle, which can be set as a remote operated turret or converted into a handheld SMG, have already been confirmed and more will surely show up in the game. All weapons will also include two fire modes, and Rare is hinting that some may even include a third fire option. Joanna and her father will also have access to hover crafts, motorcycles and even the coolest spy gadget of them all, the jet pack.

Not only will PD0 take full advantage of the Xbox 360 for single-player games, but it will also try to make its mark as one of the first "Must Play" Live titles on the new system. While Rare had originally planned on allowing up to 50 players to participate in online matches, this number has since been reduced to 32 -- which is still an impressive number when discussing consoles. In an effort to keep the pacing of matches quick, maps will scale depending on how many people are participating in the match. Maps will also expand and contract as people join and leave matches. Begin a game with a few players and the map should be fairly small, but as new players join it will double, or even triple, in size. This feature alone should present some interesting dynamics in multiplayer mode.

The usual match types should be included and it has also been mentioned that players can expect to see objective-based missions as well. A few other modes are also rumored, but Rare and Microsoft are being quiet for now. One new online feature, at least for consoles, is the Spectator mode. Whenever a player logs into Live (provided they own a copy of PD0), they'll be able to watch other players' matches and learn a few tricks. This should become a great learning tool for newcomers, as they can learn from watching the tactics of more experienced players. Spectator mode could also help to fuel more competitive games as players will now be able to scout out opponents before challenging them to games.

Rare's run on the Xbox so far hasn't turned out the way fans were hoping when Microsoft first announced that they had acquired the developer. However, with a new system comes a new beginning for the developer. Based on what they've shown so far, it looks like they may finally meet fan's expectations with Perfect Dark Zero, which should launch alongside the Xbox 360 later this month, if not a week or two after.

-Starscream, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ricky Tucker
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