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Sony DADC Launches GENBA
Company: Sony DADC New Media Solutions
Product: GENBA
Sony DADC New Media Solutions has announced the launch of GENBA, a new digital game supply chain channel and media platform to store, manage, deliver, and monetize gaming content to any location worldwide. GENBA will offer publishers, physical and digital retailers, developers, and media agencies a complete supply chain solution to identify, feature, archive, deliver, collect, and monetize gaming content more easily and efficiently. As a complete end-to-end gaming supply chain service, GENBA is designed to help both publishers and retailers alike reduce operational overhead, protect brand intellectual property, simplify the delivery of content to market, and provide the control and insight needed to capitalize on expanded market opportunities.

GENBA will utilize Sony DADC's foundation of advanced supply chain technologies, which have been built for large-scale media distribution and security and already power supply chain platforms for industry leading video and music content companies. Offered as a service, GENBA boasts robust capabilities for content ingestion, metadata preparation, hosting, delivery, analytics, audit, security, and anti-fraud protection on a global scale. Designed for simplicity and efficiency, the platform provides services on-demand through a secure, web-based interface optimized for both desktop and mobile access. Users can easily view system status, real-time revenue, account history, and business relationships, as well as business intelligence across the digital games industry.

"The tremendous growth and popularity of digital gaming has created vast opportunities for publishers and retailers, but has also contributed to the complexity and inefficiency of the industry's distribution ecosystem. To meet the demands of the modern digital gamer, operational challenges posed by proliferating contact points, languages, SKUs, and regions must be addressed. With GENBA, Sony DADC has applied our proven technological innovation and media supply chain expertise to create a scalable and secure distribution platform that today's game industry needs."
- Andreas Riegler, Senior VP of Operations, Sony DADC New Media Solutions' Creative Services Division.

As retailers seek to satisfy the demand of consumers for the best and latest gaming experiences, GENBA will enable them to receive retail-ready content from publishers more quickly, get games into their customers' hands more efficiently, and pursue new opportunities more effectively. Publishers will be able to prepare, monetize, and deliver content to partners throughout the digital game ecosystem, in markets around the world, more easily and securely.

GENBA is currently in beta production and available globally, with additional features and services to be continually rolled out over the next 12 months. For more information on GENBA, please visit their official website via the link, below.

-Geck0, GameVortex Communications
AKA Robert Perkins
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