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Kobra and The Lotus Live!!
Company: Universal Music Enterprises
Product: Kobra And The Lotus
Just a few days ago, I reviewed the debut self-titled album of a band called Kobra And The Lotus. Friday night, I was lucky enough to get to see them live at a small club called The Station in Broussard, LA. When I first got there, I loved the place. It is small, too small to hold the power of Kobra And The Lotus, but a great place with some really friendly people.

Before the show I talked to some people, none of whom had ever heard of Kobra And The Lotus as they weren’t listed as playing that night. Most people were either there to see their friends in one of the two more local bands, Cut Through the Dawn and Drysocket (who played first and second), or they were there for the headlining act, Fear Factory. Hate Eternal was also playing that evening, taking the stage after Kobra And The Lotus, bring the grand total to 5 bands, promising an unforgettable evening.

After the first two bands played, it was finally time for Kobra And The Lotus. They took the stage shortly after 9 PM opening the show with a song that I really love called "Nayana." Before the music even started though, I was immediately struck by their presence. These guys all look at home on the stage, like they just belong there, no matter what place or time they’re in. On this small stage, Griffin’s drums were set up on one corner, leaving a bit more room for the rest of the band to move around. It ended up being a pretty good size, not too small that they were cramped, but small enough that you could watch the whole band at once rather than having to wait on them to come to your side to see what was going on. Since there was also no gap between the front of the stage and the crowd, the audience could see them up close and personal.

After "Nayana" closed, they started right into "Welcome to my Funeral," which is an amazingly powerful song which isn’t exactly about death, but more the death of a facet of persona, leaving you a monster. It’s a very thought-provoking concept. Next up, we were treated to "Forever One." "Forever One" will make you think of a typical power metal song, which I personally love! It also really shows off Kobra’s talent for hitting those high notes with a power that is even more amazing live than on a recording. She’s got a voice that you just have to experience for yourself to begin to comprehend her talent. Next up, they tackled "Heaven’s Veins," which I really think shows off the entire band well. The drums in particular stood out to me on this song as being splendid, resonating inside perfectly.

Continuing on, "My Life" was next. While the vocals are deliberate and controlled, the guitars are truly outstanding on this song, fast and loud, but perfectly executed. Closing out the unfortunately short set is "50 Shades of Evil," which I mentioned in my review. I love this song and getting to hear it live was amazing. Six song are definitely not enough from such an amazing band, but 25 minutes was all there was time for with so many bands playing, so I will have to be content with that, for now.

With the show over, I was hopeful that they would be one of the awesome bands that takes the time to meet the fans and sell/sign CDs after the show. Luckily I was not disappointed. First I got to meet Kobra, who I called a demoness in my earlier review and, while she might have the voice, power, and presence of a supernatural creature, in person she is the nicest rock star I’ve ever met. She is truly a nice person. She takes the time to talk to everyone and is truly pleased that they came to see her band. As for the rest of the band, they are just as nice! I found Jasio and Pete outside packing up their stuff and they took the time to chat with me and another woman about the album and such and take pictures with us. I did not get to meet Charlie and Griffin since they were packing up too, but Jasio took my CD and had them sign it for me, for which I am quite grateful!

I absolutely love Kobra and The Lotus as I have since the first few seconds I heard their music, but seeing them live was such an awesome experience that I can’t even begin to put it all into words. Mere words cannot describe true brilliance. I predict these guys will make it quite far with their talent and I do hope that I get to see them again in the very near future. If Kobra and The Lotus make it anywhere near you, GO. Don’t think about it, don’t worry that you might be busy, just go because you will regret it if you miss them!

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-Cyn, GameVortex Communications
AKA Sara Earl
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