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Frito Lay Announces Limited Time Skylanders Sidekick Promotion
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Frito Lay Announces Limited Time Skylanders Sidekick Promotion
Company: Pepsi
Product: Skylanders Sidekick Promotion
Are you a Skylanders fan? Collect them all, yet? Finally get your hands on the elusive Wham-Shell and you're thinking of just kicking back and waiting until the Giants arrive? Don't kick back just yet - Pepsi's got a Skylanders promotion going and - if you act quickly - you could score yourself some limited edition Skylanders figures.

PepsiCo's Frito-Lay North America division and Activision Publishing has announced the next phase in a series of promotions uniting their snack brands with Skylanders Spyro's Adventure. Fans aged 13+ now can get a free Skylanders Sidekick figure, exclusively available via mail, with the purchase of specially marked Frito-Lay Multipack Classic Mix or Multipack Flavor Mix variety packs (a $2.00 shipping and handling fee per figure applies).

As part of the promotion, specially marked Frito-Lay Multipacks include a card insert, redeemable for one of four new exclusive Skylanders Sidekick character figures. To claim their Sidekick, fans rank their preference for each figurine using the card insert and redeem it by mail, as limited quantities of each sidekick figure are available. For more information, check out specially marked Frito-Lay Classic Mix and Flavor Mix variety packs for details.

Skylanders Spyro's Adventure is a first-of-its-kind cross-platform gaming experience that allows players to bring their action figures to life through battles, puzzles and treasure hunts -- with a line of more than 30 characters to collect. The characters remember their previous in-game experiences, traveling seamlessly between physical locations and across platforms including Wii, 360 and PS3 and even on Macs and PCs. The game is rated E10+ by the Entertainment Software Rating Board.

Skylanders Sidekicks figures are the latest addition to this gaming experience, and when activated during playtime, come to life and follow around other main characters – becoming their sidekicks.

This promotion started on July 8, 2012, and extends through Nov. 2, 2012 with specially marked variety packs available for purchase at participating retail stores nationwide, while supplies last.

-Geck0, GameVortex Communications
AKA Robert Perkins
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