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My Little Pony: A Very Minty Christmas
Score: 100%
Rating: G
Publisher: Paramount
Region: 1
Media: DVD/1
Running Time: 66 Mins.
Genre: Animated/Family/Holiday
Audio: Dolby Digital

  • That's What I Love About Christmas Sing-A-Long
  • Nothing Says Christmas Like a Pair of Socks Sing-A-Long
  • Bonus Episode: Dancing in the Clouds

As everyone in my general area can see -- and feel - it is Fall, and Halloween is in the air. The nights are arriving before I think they should, the days are deciding that reaching 70 degrees is warm enough, and the leaves have all decided they are sick of the color green and they should try something new for a while. This is the perfect time for picking out wicked costumes, decorating in black and red, and watching My Little Pony: A Very Minty Christmas.

While I do find Halloween to be my favorite day of the year (what other time can I wear cat ears and get away with it?), I was really excited when I got the box for My Little Pony: A Very Minty Christmas. First of all, because I'm a girl and I was born in the 80's, I love the My Little Pony series! Secondly, this box contained a miniature plastic replica of Minty! It is so adorable I could claw my eyes out and scoop ice cream into them. Minty even has this awesome little, fuzzy santa hat perched atop her head. I really had to fight the urge to stick the thing in my mouth (my - perfectly normal - reaction to all things cute).

I guess someone heard me whining about wanting a My Little Pony doll earlier when I reviewed the live action DVD a couple weeks ago. So, My Little Pony: A Very Minty Christmas has already scored big points in my book. Any little girl would love this DVD if not just for the toy that comes with it!

My Little Pony: A Very Minty Christmas is the Ponyville story of how Santa started using Christmas stockings. Granted, you don't find this out until the end. The DVD starts with the ponies of Ponyville all in a bustle to create the "Here Comes Christmas Candy Cane" that gets perched atop the Ponyville Christmas tree each year. The candy cane is enormous (and a different flavor every year) and is the guiding light to help Santa find Ponyville. For this year, the candy cane is pink, minty hearts with a white background. Every one of the ponies turns out to watch as they place the giant candy cane on top of the giant Christmas Tree.

Minty, my favorite of the ponies, is a clumsy goofball. She has a good heart, and is always meaning well, but her intentions often time get her into a good deal of trouble. In My Little Pony: A Very Minty Christmas, Minty is her clumsy, sock-loving self. When the ponies depart after the "Here Comes Christmas Candy Cane" has been set, Minty decides that the candy cane is a bit crooked. She hops in an air balloon and attempts to straighten the not crooked candy cane. Even with good intentions, she knocks the giant piece of candy off its precarious perch and shatters it into itty bitty pieces.

Minty tries to tell her friends what she has done, for how will Santa find them if the candy cane is gone. However, everyone in Ponyville is doggedly doing work towards Christmas, and even though they love Minty, they don't have time to talk to her. Poor Minty tries to make up for her mistake by hanging socks on every fireplace in Ponyville. Giving away her favorite socks to her friends seemed like the right thing to do, but she still feels horrible. Minty decides to take things into her own hooves and hops in another air balloon in order to fly to the North Pole to talk to Santa! She wants to remind him not to forget about the ponies, but when she gets there, Santa has already gone.

The ponies find Minty missing and go out in search of her in their own balloons. When all the ponies get back to Ponyville, they find that the giant tree has all of Minty's socks on it and they are stuffed with presents from Santa! Santa has left a note for Minty telling her that he is going to borrow her sock idea, because it is such a good one! They ponies all tell Minty that they love her, and that they appreciate her giving her favorite socks away, and everyone in Ponyville has a wonderful Christmas.

My Little Pony: A Very Minty Christmas is a typical, and wonderful, My Little Pony adventure. The sing-a-longs will keep the wee ones busy even after the main movie has ended. It really was a cute hour-long DVD. My sister even sat down and watched it with me. This would be a great pre-Christmas present for any little girl (I promise she will at least love the toy that comes with it!).

-Phate Kills, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ashley Field

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