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Pokemon All Stars 11: Meowth
Score: 80%
Rating: ALL
Publisher: Viz Media
Region: 1
Media: DVD/1
Running Time: 66 Mins.
Genre: Anime/TV Series
Audio: English

  • Episodes:
    • The Purr-fect Hero
    • Go West, Young Meowth
    • Meowth Rules!

The Pokemon All Stars collection series continues with #11: Meowth. Here we see three episodes early in the show's timeline that all prominently feature Team Rocket's littlest member.

In "The Purr-fect Hero," the world is about to celebrate Kid's Day, but a daycare is a bit sad when the trainers that were supposed to show up don't. It seems that these trainers were going to let the little kids play with their pokemon. Since Ash, Misty and Brock are so good-natured, they decide to replace the missing trainers and let all their pokemon out for a bit of fun.

Everyone is having fun, except for one little boy who insists that a meowth saved him from a beedrill attack one day, and only wants to play with a meowth, which our heroes don't happen to have on them. Meanwhile, the eavesdropping Team Rocket realizes that the kids could see Meowth as the hero whom they could use as a distraction for one of their dastardly plans. So Meowth shows up and acts like a normal pokemon, but when he accidently says something, everyone realizes who he is and a pokemon battle predictably ensues.

In "Go West Young Meowth," which takes place just before Ash's first attempt at the Pokemon Championship, the kids are invited to Hollywood to see the premier of a new movie, "Pokemon in Love." James, Jessie and Meowth follow the group and we learn that Meowth has a history with this town. Most of the episode focuses on Meowth's flashbacks as he learns to walk on his hind legs and talk like a human in order to impress another meowth.

The final episode in the collection, "Meowth Rules!" has a group of natives mistaking Meowth for the "Great Meowth of Bounty." Apparently he is supposed to fulfill some ancient prophecy, but while Meowth quickly settles into his new role as leader and supposedly having special powers, he isn't able to perform in the ancient rituals, things get a little heated.

While these All Stars collections don't have a lot of episodes on them, they tend to have a fun grouping of the character's best episodes, and Meowth's time in the limelight isn't any different.

-J.R. Nip, GameVortex Communications
AKA Chris Meyer

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