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The Possession
Score: 80%
Rating: 13+
Publisher: Lionsgate Home Entertainment
Region: A
Media: Blu-ray/1
Running Time: 1 Hr., 32 Mins.
Genre: Horror/Drama/Suspense
Audio: English 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio,
           Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital Audio

Subtitles: English, Spanish, English SDH

  • The Real History of the Dibbuk Box Featurette
  • Audio Commentary with Director Ole Bornedal
  • Audio Commentary with Writers Juliet Snowden and Stiles White

According to the filmmakers, The Possession is based on the true story of a spirit-possessed box. This specially built box was created to house a soul that is caught in a state of unrest. The spirit, also known as a Dibbuk in the Jewish faith, is hell-bent on getting out through the help of a child.

As the film opens, we get a glimpse as to the power of the Dibbuk when the box begins to get the attention of an elderly woman. But as the woman tries to destroy the box because she senses the evil within, the Dibbuk causes the woman to suffer what appears to be a stroke before tossing her around like a ragdoll. Wanting the box out of the house, the family offers it up on a yard sale, where it finally hails a child.

When Em (Natasha Calis), the younger of two daughters (Madison Davenport) between Clyde (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and Stephanie (Kyra Sedgwick), finds the antique box at the yard sale, she begins to hear the voice inside calling her. Although the box appears to have no way to open, Em manages to "accidentally" open it, unleashing the Dibbuk within.

Over time, Em becomes more and more possessed, and in the vein of Linda Blair’s character in The Exorcist, Em requires help from men of faith. Seeking out the guidance of a Jewish Rabi (Matisyahu), Clyde knows that time is crucial to save Em from the demon inside her.

Going back to the initial thought that The Possession is based on a true story may be somewhat loose. While I do believe where there is good there is evil, and to believe in God requires that you acknowledge demons, the short featurette talking about the real Dibbuk box does discredit the actions and choices that the filmmakers took a lot.

However, on its own, The Possession does a fine job of putting an eerie feeling in one’s heart, so fans of the genre will likely not be disappointed. Unfortunately, aside from the short backstory included on the Blu-ray, the special features on the disc are nearly non-existent. The audio commentary is split between two tracks, and the director commentary is, in short, one of the worst I’ve ever attempted to listen to. Thankfully, the writers’ commentary takes a much more interesting approach. That aside, and although a bit on the slow side, if this type of film appeals to you, then there is no reason not to pick up or rent a copy of The Possession.

-Woody, GameVortex Communications
AKA Shane Wodele
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