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Thomas & Sarah
Score: 82%
Rating: Not Rated
Publisher: Acorn Media
Region: 1
Media: DVD/4
Running Time: 653 Mins.
Genre: Drama/Romance/TV Series
Audio: Dolby Digital
Subtitles: SDH Subtitles: English

Thomas & Sarah is a cheeky little spin-off of the ever-popular British blockbuster series Upstairs Downstairs. Widely televised real-life couple Pauline Collins (Shirley Valentine) and John Alderton (Calendar Girls) were servants in the Bellamy household of Eaton Place, and in the wake of the series' demise, went on to create a new life of their own in Thomas & Sarah.

This capricious couple find themselves involved in an undeniable romance that bounces from poverty to wealth and from society to service with masquerades, magic, and ambitious cons. They always seem to be on the edge of adventure with an empty wallet and a scheme for success. Thomas has a desire to go to America where success awaits those with invention, while Sarah waits for a wedding ring, family, and a stable future in comfortable England. Will their dreams come true? Only the future can say.

Thomas & Sarah was an audience's answer to the 1975 ending of the Upstairs Downstairs series widely viewed on PBS. Two of the series' most popular actors combine their talents to explore the never-ending adventures of these spontaneous risk-taking characters. Their story follows the Edwardian era with Thomas' quick wit and Sarah's enthusiastic will getting them in and out of trouble. These chameleon characters become marriage merchants, magic acts, photographer and model, chauffeur and maid. Collins delightfully changes dialects to suit her act, while Thomas' heavy Welsh accent and tall, dark, handsome looks beguiles the ladies.

The series is only one season with 13 adventurous episodes; however, there are no features included, and has a disclaimer stating that age may create occasional flaws in the image and audio of the DVD, but this did not seem to be a problem as I was attentively involved in the storyline performance. Thomas & Sarah will entertain you with their capers, and the unexpected conclusion is a complete surprise!

Thomas & Sarah is an excellent series for those sensitive viewers that are offended by the current colorful language of the screen and morals of the time. The spin-off will transport you back to the day when cleavage was only allowed in the bedroom, and the strongest words you'll hear are "damn" and "hell." I have to admit, it was an adjustment to jump from the blatant television of 2012 back into the conscience of 1979, but after a short time, I was very comfortable with the antics of Thomas & Sarah and their on-again off-again romance.

-Kambur O. Blythe, GameVortex Communications
AKA Jan Daniel
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