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HEX: The Complete First Season
Score: 89%
Rating: Not Rated
Publisher: Sony Pictures Home

Region: 1
Media: DVD/3
Running Time: 465 Mins.
Genre: Fantasy/Action/Thriller
Audio: Dolby Digital

  • Pilot episode 1 & 2
  • Director's Commentary
  • Making of HEX
  • Deleted Scenes

I love British TV. American TV does have a well earned reputation for being uptight. Where else but the BBC can you have a lesbian ghost following a witch who is trying unsuccessfully not to bear the child of a fallen angel? Well as it seems too late to not get ahead of myself, allow me to backtrack and bring you into the world of HEX.

Through HEX, you follow a young college girl as she follows the events of her life down a path lined with demons, angels, voodoo and witchcraft. Cassandra "Cassie" Hughes, played by Christina Cole, has a chance encounter with an ancient voodoo artifact called the Kanary. The seemingly chance encounter was fate and the repetition of history as the effects of the Kanary awakens her inner Witch. Her awakening attracts the attention of the leader of the fallen angels named Azazeal, played by Michael Fassbender. The fallen angels, the Nephilim, were cast from heaven by God during the war. Azazeal has only one goal, bear a son who will free all of the Nephilim. He is successful. By interfering in Cassie's life, he is able to successfully rear his first son. Malachi, the son of Azazeal, was an aberration from the beginning as his extremely rapid growth allowed him to survive an attempted abortion when Cassie learned of the implications of the child's birth. Again, it was the direct intervention of Azazeal who forced the doctor's hand and saved the life of his unborn child.

As the first season of HEX comes to a close, there seems to be a changing of the guard so to speak as our heroine Cassie is sent into the abyss accidentally by Ella Dee, played by Laura Pyper. Ella is a five hundred year old witch that has been foiling Azazeal as he has made several attempts across history to have a son. Ella is trapped in her role as savior of mankind. She has killed fellow witches who would bear the son of Azazeal, but not without some remorse. She is steadfast in her determination, but her blood lust seems to be waning. This will be pivotal in the new season. Ella must find and kill Malachi, no easy task as surely his powers grow as quickly as he has.

OK, so I also got away from the lesbian ghost thing. HEX has a definite sexual edge to it. There isn't an episode where someone isn't hooking up. I mean it is college after all. Anyway, I digress. Cassie's roommate Thelma Bates, played by Jemima Rooper, is sacrificed by Azazeal in order to gain power. She is then bonded to Cassie in death and follows her around as an apparition. As I have stated her sexual preferences, and her undying... scratch that... dying love for Cassie, it creates interesting opportunities for Thelma to take advantage of her new ghostly power. You will have to watch it for any more sordid details. There are plenty of sordid and interweaving side stories to keep you interested.

With the good news that HEX has come to DVD, and the better news that the second season is soon to follow, comes the unfortunate news. HEX, in all of its raunchy fantastic glory, was actually cancelled quite a while ago. That's right folks, it has taken quite a while for the show to cross the big water here to the Colonies. Like many shows that didn't fair well at first, the cult following is actually hoping to breathe new life into the series and force a return. I would be the first to put my vote in for its revival.

I really enjoyed the box set of the first season of HEX, and I am waiting on pins and needles for the second season. I know it is a long shot that they would push for a true revival of the series, but you never know what the success of the DVDs may do. I highly recommend this series, but remember for the audiences around you, that this series is Not Rated and is really geared toward a collegiate level of maturity.

-WUMPUSJAGGER, GameVortex Communications
AKA Bryon Lloyd

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