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The Angry Beavers: Season 3, Part 1
Score: 88%
Rating: Not Rated
Publisher: Shout! Factory
Region: 1
Media: DVD/2
Running Time: 4 Hrs.
Genre: Animated/Comedy/TV Series
Audio: English

The late 90's brought us quite a few interesting and some strange cartoons on Nickelodeon. Among them was The Angry Beavers. The Angry Beavers is definitely on the weird side at times, but it is quite entertaining all the same.

Dag and Norb are beavers. They are brothers as well and live together. You really don't know how old they are, but they act more like teenagers than anything else. Dag is the insane one. He's continually doing things that just don't make sense to anyone but himself. Norb is quite a bit smarter than Dag and likes to torture his brother with that, at times, but in the end, he will try and help his brother clean up the messes that he gets into. Considering Norb gets him started on the path to the messes though, that is only fair! Norb likes to imitate the William Shatner cadence of speech, at times. Treeflower is a female beaver that lives near them. Norb is in love with her and it's pretty obvious she likes him as well, but being so young, they're embarrassed about it and blush when it's mentioned. Stump is their best friend. He's a bit like Plank from Ed, Edd, and Eddie. Based on their faces, I'm pretty sure they're related. It is very odd that beavers are best friends with a stump of wood since they eat wood, but the whole series is odd, so we're not going to dwell on it. Their other friends are a collection of colorful characters including Bing, Truckee, Barry Bear, and plenty more. The episodes of The Angry Beavers have no concept of continuity, so don't expect one to pick up where the other left off. They will even end episodes stuck somewhere way far away from home. You just accept that they got back somehow before the next episode.

The Angry Beavers: Season 3, Part 1 starts off with Dag and Norb needing a bodyguard when they wake up to a threatening note on the door. Since there is a bodyguard hanging out just outside their door, Dag hires him. Norb doesn't want any part of it. As usual, Dag abuses this and has the bodyguard beat up a lot of their friends. Dag's always doing silly things like that. Of course, sometimes things aren't as they appear and things are going to get bad for Dag as usual. Dag's alter-ego is Muscular Beaver. It comes out when he gets a horrible cold and is out of his mind (assuming, of course, that he is ever really in his right mind). When Treeflower gets involved, Norb has to become the villain to Muscular's Beaver Hero act because we all know how much Norb loves Treeflower. She convinces him to help her keep an eye on Dag, just so that he doesn't hurt himself. You'll see Muscular Beaver more than once this season. When badgers invade their bedroom, Dag and Norb wake up in the middle of the night to find that they can't make a sound or they'll be eaten alive. For some reason, this episode strangely reminds me of the Buffy episode "Hush" since they have to wander around these monsters without being able to speak. It's humorous rather than scary, though. Bing comes to visit one day because he's upset that his girlfriend Wanda left him. Unfortunately, Dag and Norb are on the way to a wrestling match that Dag is dying to attend. Norb says that they're going to help Bing get back with Wanda first, which is not as easy as it sounds, especially since Dag is the one sent to find Wanda while Norb consoles Bing. Dag and Norb's dad comes to visit later on. Parents can be trouble, but theirs is more trouble than most! To continue on the family theme, Dag and Norb go with Stump to his family reunion. Norb has an ear infection though and it's bad enough that he acts quite drunk and causes a lot of trouble. It's quite a role-reversal when Dag has to be the normal one.

These are just a few of the hijinks that these two brothers get into. They are continually getting into trouble, but usually they've got a knack for getting out of it as well. If you're looking for an odd but entertaining comedy, check out The Angry Beavers: Season 3, Part 1 today!

-Cyn, GameVortex Communications
AKA Sara Earl
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