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ThunderCats: Season 1, Book 1
Score: 87%
Rating: Not Rated
Publisher: Warner Brothers Home

Region: 1
Media: DVD/2
Running Time: 181 Mins.
Genre: Animated/Fantasy/TV Series
Audio: English Dolby Digital
Subtitles: English

The ThunderCats: Season One, Book One takes place on Third Earth, which has been peaceful for a long time. Third Earth is ruled by the ThunderCats. A prophecy shows that this peace will not last forever though. Lion-O is prince of the ThunderCats and next in line for the throne. He does have an older brother, Tygra, but Tygra was adopted so he can't be in line to be king. Lion-O doesn't really take it all seriously though. He's a bit of a spoiled brat and just wants to play with the mysterious technology that is dug up from time to time. He meets Cheetara on one of his purchasing runs when she saves him in a fight. Lion-O is determined that there is something to the world outside of their home city of Thundera, but these cats live an existence mostly inside the walls of their city. All the legends talk about technology and an ancient evil being called Mumm-Ra, but they haven't seen any signs of existence of either, other than broken supposed technology, for generations. Jaga, leader of the Clarix, has the old knowledge of the spells and mysteries of the Book of Omens, but it is up to the Clarix to protect this knowledge.

A few ThunderCats have been sent outside to search for the Book of Omens, like Panthro and Grune, but they have not been heard from in years. The Sword of Omens is what allows the ThunderCats the strength to maintain the peace on Third Earth. It is a very powerful sword and can only be properly wielded by those who it chooses. Lion-O is really not ready to accept this responsibility as he doesn't want to be that grown up yet, but when his father is betrayed and killed and their city destroyed at the hands of technology that they didn't even know existed, he has no choice. Lion-O must take his place as Lord of the ThunderCats and lead the few survivors to try and find the Book of Omens and rebuild Thundera. The survivors left that follow Lion-O are his brother Tygra, one of Jaga's pupils Cheetara, Lion-O's pet Snarf, and the children WilyKit and WilyKat who managed to stow away and save themselves. WilyKit and WilyKat are masters of survival! Lion-O doesn't want them to tag along, but he doesn't really have a choice when they just keep following. Jaga told Lion-O that the Book of Omens lies at the foot of the setting sun, so that's the direction they should be headed, but first Lion-O has to get revenge on Mumm-ra out of his system. Lion-O is going to have to learn to grow up a lot on their journeys. Before long, they will find the lost General Panthro to complete their group.

Panthro brings with him a huge knowledge of technology, but that also has its own set of problems in that all technology requires Thundrillian and Grune controls the mines, so it's not easy to come by. The ThunderCats are going to learn that they will need a combination of technology and magic to rebuild their empire. The Book of Omens was hidden in a magic temple by the Clarix, who then sealed themselves inside to protect the secret forever. When they do get the book, it is blank! Lion-O is going to have to figure out how to read it. When he does, he learns about the past and the future as well. It's quite interesting to get so much of Mumm-Ra's backstory this early in the series, but very nice as well.

As a general rule, the ThunderCats are going to have a life full of conflict. If it's not their enemies, then it will be internal. The struggle between Lion-O and his older brother, Tygra is going to continually challenge Lion-O's leadership. Panthro is continually grumpy, but he's a total badass so that's just fine. Cheetara tries to keep the peace in the group and support Lion-O so that he'll have confidence in himself. This is a lot for Lion-O to deal with, even with help. At least Lion-O isn't so bratty that he can't learn. From the races that they encounter, he tends to learn valuable information about life. Unfortunately, a lot of times, that involves his friends having to bail him out of some kind of trouble, but that's what friends are for.

This is not the same ThunderCats that you might remember from the 80's. Some of the characters are the same, but some have been changed. Their personalities are almost all different as well. It's not that it makes the series any better or any worse, but it is quite a different beginning. Still though, I have enjoyed the new series, so I say that it's worth checking out to see what you think for yourself. I'm waiting to see where they take the ThunderCats from here.

-Cyn, GameVortex Communications
AKA Sara Earl
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