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The Zombie Farm
Score: 91%
Rating: Not Rated
Publisher: Maya Entertainment
Region: 1
Media: DVD/1
Running Time: 90 Mins.
Genre: Horror
Audio: English 5.1 Dolby Digital
           Surround, 2.0 Dolby Stereo

Subtitles: English

  • Previews
  • Behind the Scenes

Set in Lafayette, Louisiana, The Zombie Farm starts off beautifully scanning the natural beauty of the Louisiana swamps. Afterwards though, things aren't so calm. Ana Maria (Monika Munoz) is getting beaten by her husband, Antonio (Khoton), so she goes to see a Latino "parapsychologist," a Santeros named Roque (Roberto Montesinos). Roque tells her that he can't help her. She says she can't leave him or he'll have her deported back to Mexico.

While she's there, her husband comes in and drags her out. The parapsychologist tries to protect her, but gets knocked out instead and she is dragged away. A reporter named Pilar (Adriana Cataño) is there while this is all happening, looking for a story because her editor told her she had to find a story with Latino flair. She agrees to film a new commercial for Roque if he will tell her his stories, thinking she can expose him as a fraud. While following Roque around to document things, she finds that he really does help people in a way that no one else has helped them.

The poor Ana Maria who had been beaten up is still looking for help. In the paper she sees an ad for a Macumba, who claims to "make it work when all others have failed." She takes a bus out to see her in hopes that she can do something for her as well. The Macumba Mana Luna (Nadia Rowinsky) tells her that she can take care of her. Very soon though, Ana Marie is back at Roque's and tells him that she has killed her husband. She says that the woman gave her a potion to give to her husband and when she does, he starts shaking. She calls the hospital, and he dies anyway, but now he won't leave her alone. He's dead, but she sees him every night. About that time, he breaks into Roque's office and Roque has no choice but to believe her now! They duck out the back door and escape him, after shooting him square in the forehead to no avail. The only place Roque can think to go is to his landlord Senor Augustin's (Eduardo Ibarrola) house. His wife lets them stay the night there. In the morning after seeing the story on TV, Pilar calls up Roque to find out what happened. She's hoping to find a real story and maybe she'll help them in the process.

From here, things really pick up. Roque tries to find out what is going on by going to Mana Luna's and is attacked by a zombie. He escapes, but at what cost? Regrouping back at Augustin's, they try to figure out what to do. Of course, the zombie Antonio is still after Ana Maria and seems to be able to track her wherever she goes. The entire group is now in danger from the zombie attacks. Ana Maria thinks she can go back to Mexico, but Roque is convinced that she won't even be safe there. They're going to have to figure out how to survive and stop Antonio if Ana Maria is ever to live a normal life again.

The only special features available are previews and a Behind the Scenes featurette, but it was still interesting to watch. Given that I live in Louisiana near Lafayette, it's always interesting to see places filmed in locations that I recognize. It would have been neat to have some kind of feature on VooDoo since these are the traditional VooDoo zombies instead of the more recent mutated or infected zombies. It's been quite a while since I've seen a really good VooDoo zombie film, so it was a very refreshing change.

If you're a fan of horror movies, I highly recommend that you check out The Zombie Farm. It is really well done with some good acting. It's not your new zombie movie with a bunch of blood, guts and gore, but instead has a strong plotline and excellent filming, which make for a wonderful movie!

-Cyn, GameVortex Communications
AKA Sara Earl
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