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Indecent Proposal
Score: 75%
Rating: R
Publisher: Paramount
Region: 1
Media: Blu-ray/1
Running Time: 96 Mins.
Genre: Drama
Audio: Dolby TrueHD 5.1 Surround

Subtitles: English, French, Portuguese,

  • Commentary with Director Adrian Lyne

It's a question asked in every bar, every night, "What would you do for a million dollars?" For David (Woody Harrelson) and Diana (Demi Moore) Murphy, this question doesn't just become something asked after a few drinks, but a very real predicament.

David and Diana are high school sweethearts who marry and are seemingly living the American Dream until the economy goes south. David loses his job and Diana isn't in a position to keep up with the mortgage payments. Rather than going to a Dave Ramsay seminar, the duo borrows $5000 from David's dad and tries to get out of debt with a trip to Las Vegas. For a time it looks like the plan may work, but they end up losing it all.

Just when the couple is at the end of their rope, Billionaire John Gage (Robert Redford), who has taken a fancy to Diana, offers the couple financial security, $1 million for one night with Diana, presenting the couple with a moral dilemma.

The Blu-ray release of Indecent Proposal comes at an interesting time. David and Diana's problem isn't much different from the ones faced by families during the current recession. The story is interesting and the acting is excellent, particularly Redford. His charisma and charm make him an excellent antagonist. One minute you hate him for what he's doing, then he turns on the charisma and charm and isn't that bad a guy. These make the movie captivating, but in the end you'll find yourself more wrapped up with the morality behind the story than the story itself. We can all sit back and call Diana and David whores and John a letch, but would you say the same thing if you were offered a magic bullet for all of your problems?

The Blu-ray transfer is pretty good. I've seen worse, but where Indecent Proposal falls flat is the lack of extras. Director Adrian Lyne contributes commentary and that's it. Lyne touches on both the filmmaking and story aspects, but it wasn't that interesting.

Indecent Proposal is a good movie, but unless you've decided you'll never watch another DVD again or want to get all of your favorite movies in hi-def, the lack of features make it a pass, even at a low price point.

-Starscream, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ricky Tucker
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