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Score: 76%
Rating: R
Publisher: Genius Products
Region: 1
Media: DVD/1
Running Time: 89 Mins.
Genre: Horror/Action
Audio: English 5.1

I'm sure you've seen at least one "alien invasion" movie and probably quite recently. It seems to be a very popular subject in recent years. Some of them have been good and some have been total failures. Infected is yet another alien invasion movie, but I'd say it falls closer to the good end of the spectrum.

The movie starts out in a weird way. The opening is a commercial for Hydropure, a vitamin water drink that is being heavily marketed all over Boston. It's a pretty long infomercial that really made me want some water to drink. But then it cuts over to the place where they're growing vegetables being watered with Hydropure. Let's just say there's something really wrong with that "water." It's definitely not something I would want to drink anymore. Of course, the public doesn't know the truth, but there are two people that do. They are trying to gather the evidence to take it public and have even picked out a reporter who will write up the article, if they can manage to get the evidence to her.

The reporter they have chosen is Lisa (Maxim Roy). Due to circumstances beyond control, they end up delivering the evidence to Ben (Gil Bellows), Lisa's ex-boyfriend who is also a reporter. Lisa and Ben are going to have to put their past aside and work together if they're going to save the city (possibly the world). They start with a scientist friend of Ben's, Knutt Jourgensen (Jesse Todd). Ben tells them that the blood they brought him isn't quite human. At this point, they have no clue where to turn to and who they can even trust. If the mayor was an alien, then anyone could be. They look just like humans as long as they're not cut up.

Overall, the movie is pretty good. The acting is quite good, with great actors like Judd Nelson and Isabella Rossellini. The script is pretty well written, other than a very improbable explosion near the end of the movie. The one real complaint I have is with the special effects. Near the beginning of the movie, there is a scene with blood splatter. Blood splatter is one of the most common and easiest effects in horror movies. Now I don't know if the actor just didn't want to get bloody or what, but they did CG blood splatter instead of just using fake blood. There are a lot of things that CG can be used for, but blood splatter just isn't one of them!

There aren't any special features (or even subtitles) to make the DVD a must buy, but overall it's a pretty good action/horror flick. Especially if you like alien movies, you should go pick it up today.

-Cyn, GameVortex Communications
AKA Sara Earl
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