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Score: 88%
Rating: PG
Publisher: Fox Home Entertainment
Region: A
Media: Blu-ray/1
Running Time: 125 Mins.
Genre: Action/Suspense
Audio: English DTS HD 5.1 Master
           Lossless Audio, English Original
           Audio Mono, Spanish Mono, French
           5.1 Dolby Surround

Subtitles: English, Spanish

  • Smart Menu Technology
  • Audio Commentary with Director Terence Young and Others
  • Image Database
  • Audio Commentary with Editor Peter Hunt, Co-Screenwriter John Hopkins and Others
  • "Selling Bonds" Original 1965 TV Commercials
  • On Location with Production Designer Ken Adam
  • A Child's Guide to Blowing Up a Motor Car 1965 Ford Promotional Film
  • Featurettes:
    • Bill Suitor: The Rocket Man Movies
    • The Secret History of Thunderball
    • Thunderball Boat Shot Reel
    • The Making of Thunderball
  • Theatrical Trailers
  • TV and Radio Spots
  • The Thunderball Phenomenon
  • Interactive Guide to the World of Thunderball
  • The Incredible World of James Bond Original 1965 NBC-TV Special

Thunderball once again pits James Bond (Sean Connery) against the evil SPECTRE, and this time he faces off against Number Two (Adolfo Celi).

This time, SPECTRE has stolen two nuclear bombs from a NATO aircraft and threatens to destroy either a British or American city if the world does not pay over 100 million pounds. So Bond must race against time to not only discover the location of the bombs, but also disable them before the world has to pay the sizable sum.

The Bahamas are ripe with danger, especially since Emilio Largo (Number Two) not only knows who James Bond is, but what he is capable of, and Bond knows exactly who and what Largo is. Their little game of chess continues as Bond spends his days searching for the downed aircraft hoping to find it before the UN's time is up. And it wouldn't be a Bond film without an outrageous chase sequence. This time, Bond takes on SPECTRE members in an underwater fight like you wouldn't believe.

Like the rest of this Blu-ray series, the film has been beautifully restored, and besides some sound issues with music being too loud and dialogue too low (at times), the overall package is pretty solid. Special features aren't all that lacking either. Not only is there a featurette talking about Bond's rocket pack, but also some older promotional footage like "A Child's Guide to Blowing Up a Motor Car" and "The Incredible World of James Bond."

As a side note, it is because of the legal disputes over this movie that required the death of SPECTRE's leader in the very anonymous fashion seen at the beginning of For Your Eyes Only.

Thunderball has always been one of my favorite Bond films. I think it's because I like the ironically devious Number Two character more than other Bond villains. Either way, this is a great disc to add to your Bond collection.

-J.R. Nip, GameVortex Communications
AKA Chris Meyer
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