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Dual SFX Frag Pro
Score: 80%
Developer: Splitfish Gameware Inc.
Device Type: Controller
Compatible With:


I've heard quite a few FPS players malign consoles, saying that they shouldn't even have FPS games, since without keyboard and mouse control, it's awkward to even play one on a console. That doesn't seem to have had much effect on the game industry, however, as FPS and third person shooters continue to come out on consoles. And, of course, they're still highly popular in the PC circles.

Splitfish introduced the FragFX controller to address just this control issue with a unique controller that combined the good points of PC and console gaming in a controller purpose-built for FPS (and third person shooters) on the PS3. Now, they've built on what they did previously, learning from the experience and from feedback from users and Pro Gamers alike, to create the Dual SFX Frag Pro, which is similar to the FragFX, but can be used with PS3 and PC (hence, the dual) and is wireless, to boot.


First the good: I used the Dual SFX Frag Pro on the PC with Transformers: War for Cybertron, and found it to be everything I needed in a two-handed package that's comfortable to use. The on-the-fly adjustment allowed me to trim the sensitivity just how I wanted it, while the (Frag) button, which instantly sets the sensitivity to its lowest setting to allow momentarily heightened accuracy, did its job well, letting me quickly switch between whirling around to find an enemy and narrowing in for a head-shot. I was using the Dual SFX Frag Pro wirelessly, and found that the motion was smooth and the controls were very responsive, with no perceptible lag caused by the wireless system. Once I got a feel for which buttons did what, I was just as comfortable with using the Dual SFX Frag Pro as I was with a keyboard. The Nunchuck (for the left hand) felt comfortable in my hand, when I held it such that my two trigger fingers on my left hand (that would be pointer and middle) were sort of straddled between the three trigger buttons - (L1), (L2) and (Frag), sometimes using a sort of heel-toe maneuver to press (L2) to scope, then (Frag), while still holding (L2), to tighten in to the target and then firing with the mouse (with the right hand). Believe me, it sounds much more obtuse than it is.

Using the Dual SFX Frag Pro with Singularity on the PS3 was much less satisfying; there is a stutter that occurs when using the mouse to move the camera around with the sensitivity set to a high setting. Mind you, in this case, by "high setting," I'm referring to anything over about a 5 on a scale of 1-9. Below half-way on the sensitivity dial, and there is no noticeable stuttering, but as you increase from midway to the highest sensitivity, this jumpiness gets more and more obvious - and annoying. However, when I tried it out with Modern Warfare 2 on the PS3, this effect was far less noticeable, allowing me to get near to the top of the sensitivity range before noticing any stutter. Evidently, the Dual SFX Frag Pro can be set to sensitivity levels higher than some games can handle, so your desired setting, and experience, may vary per game and system

On either system, it is possible to quickly turn around if you set the sensitivity higher, but the faster you can turn, the harder it is to do so accurately. Lowering the sensitivity will let you be more accurate, but will cause you to be required to pick the mouse up and move it more often. Mind you, it's possible to reduce this amount a bit by also using the left-and-right sideways "hat-switch" function of the scroll-wheel, which also turns left and right, but at a set speed.

  • Fully Wireless, up to 3.5 Meters
  • 2.4 GHz Wireless Technology
  • Programmable Macros
  • Includes:
    • 1 Wireless Laser Mouse with Click Scroll Wheel
    • 1 Wireless Left Hand Grip (Nunchuk)
    • 1 Wireless Receiver Dongle
    • 1 High-Performance Mousing Surface
    • 1 USB Extension Cable
  • Frag Button for Pinpoint Accuracy
  • Full SIXAXIS Compatible Motion Control
  • FPS Rapid Fire
  • Up to 11 Hours of Playtime on 6 AAA Batteries (Not Included)
  • Programmable Motion Override
  • Firmware Upgradeable

Drawbacks & Problems::

The biggest complaint I see around the net is that there is a stutter/jumpiness when using the Dual SFX Frag Pro on the PS3. I experienced this, myself, quite notably on Singularity when setting the Dual SFX Frag Pro's sensitivity setting to 5 or above. When testing it with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, this effect was much less noticeable; moving the camera with the Right Analog Stick resulted in very fast, smooth motion up to about 7 or 8. On the highest setting, I observed the same stuttering, but to a lesser effect.

This stuttering/jumping effect begs a better definition, so I'll try to clarify: If you've ever used a mouse with the scroll wheel set to scroll several rows with each click, that's sort of what you experience here. Not only is this jumpiness annoying, distracting, and quite possibly nauseating (if you're predisposed to motion-sickness), it also jumps in a set amount of distance, creating a "snap-to-grid" sort of effect. If you're trying to aim at something small or far off and your sensitivity is all the way up, you might find that you're just to the right of it. Then, with the smallest possible amount of movement, your view passes it up and is now just to its left. Carefully moving back to the right ever-so-slightly will jump over it, again, to the same spot you were at before, as if those two spots were on a grid and you could only move two spots on the grid.

The thing to realize, here, is that the Dual SFX Frag Pro is built to give you the ability to tweak the sensitivity up as high as you want it (and can handle it). This will likely vary on a per game basis, possibly even being different for different maps or setups, but it's not necessarily the sort of thing you'll need to change on-the-fly constantly. If you use the Dual SFX Frag Pro at a high sensitivity setting, you can use the (Frag) button to instantly temporarily drop the sensitivity low to allow you to dial in your aim.

I have seen zDD, Professional Gamer and Splitfish Evangelist, talking about Modern Warfare 2 for the PS3 and saying that he sets the in-game sensitivity to the maximum setting and the Dual SFX Frag Pro sensitivity setting to about a 3 on "The Pit." A 3. It's not a contest to see who can set their sensitivity the highest and still move around; it's about control and efficiency. The Dual SFX Frag Pro gives you the control to set your sensitivity where you want it.

I found the mouse to be a comfortable size (but, then, my hands are large, so consider that), but I did find that the trigger button (Left Mouse) could sometimes be difficult to push. I wouldn't want it to be a hair trigger, but it would be nice to be configurable or adjustable. Many buttons and the sticks are, but not the mouse buttons.

I would have liked to try using the Dual SFX Frag Pro mouse as a system mouse on my PC, but, while the mouse can be set into a normal mouse mode for the PS3, this doesn't appear to be possible on the PC.

So, the question is whether to get the Dual SFX Frag Pro or not. If you're looking for the highest level of control over your FPS games and you want a competitive edge, the Dual SFX Frag Pro combines the ease of use of a gamepad with the control of an optical mouse with sensitivity adjustment and then throws responsive wireless connectivity on top of that. And if you're looking for a split controller for use with PS3 and PC games, then the Dual SFX Frag Pro might be perfect for you.

-Geck0, GameVortex Communications
AKA Robert Perkins

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