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Anything with Nothing: Valdemar Anthologies - Book 17

Publisher: DAW Books, Inc.

Anything with Nothing: Tales of Valdemar - Book 17 is another collection of stories from Mercedes Lackey's ever-growing magical world. This book of 21 short stories will take place all over the history and landscape of Velgarth. They will range from as far as the old Eastern Empire during the Mage Storms to ones under the reign of Queen Selenay. There are continuations of long-going miniseries like the Iron Street Watch and Animal Mindspeak and a whole slew of one-off stories that dabble in pretty much all aspects of Valdemar life.

A Herald's Bag of Magic
by Phaedra Weldon:

Enthralled over the idea of learning magic and hopefully becoming a Herald, Luke, a 15-year old blacksmith's son, jumps at the idea of going to Haven and training when Herald Aramis arrives in town to deal with some recurring skirmishes. Herald Aramis seems to balk at the idea at first, but decides to spend some time with the young man in the hopes of sussing out exactly what motivates him. As Aramis tutors Luke about the magics that the Herald uses on a daily basis, Luke is frustrated since he is only being shown normal things like cooking. It isn't until Luke finds himself in a dire situation that he sees what his true path should be.

Suffering Knows No Borders
by Dylan Birtolo:

Eranel is a soldier in a Karsite border skirmish who, after getting injured, finds that he has some talent as a healer. While he does what he can to aid his companions, he also spends time in the prisoners' injury tent tending to the wounded captured, despite the looks he gets from the other soldiers. His insistence that healing should know no borders isn't making him any new friends among his compatriots. Eranel's belief in his personal motto is tested when a Karsite named Ashon tells him about a camp of wounded Karsite fighters who would love to retreat, but their injured state means they can't. Eranel decides to go help the wounded enemy, even though it could lead to many more problems for him personally.

Needs Must When Evil Bides
by Jennifer Brozek:

When a local manor is taken over by a small group of bandits searching for a chest of riches, a servant of Lord and Lady Collymore, Blossom, escapes and searches for help. Knowing that a local woman named Edda Vardon has a reputation of helping those in need, Blossom seeks out the older woman. Edda herself is surprised by Blossom's insistent knocking, but when she learns that the Collymores are in danger, she agrees to help. While it has been a long time since she has been in any fights, she knows that she can't let evil go unchallenged. Edda and Blossom must make their way into the Collymore manor and free the captives at all costs. If they can stop the bandits from stealing the chest, then so much the better, but first priority has to be preserving life.

In Memory's Vault
by Kristin Schwengel:

Gaven is a guard in the small town of Trindon, and while the area isn't as fast-paced as his past duties, he is happy with the quieter times. Gaven also happens to be the cook for the local guards, and while fretting over the dwindling stores as winter approaches, he is interrupted when one of his fellow watchmen comes in talking about an injured woman found while out on patrol. While the group's medic does what he can to help recover the young woman, they all find themselves in a difficult situation when she finally wakes up, but appears to have no memory and very little knowledge of their local language. The Trindon guards work to do whatever they can to help the woman recover her lost memories, but they are having a hard time of it. Her looks speak to one part of the continent, her dress another, and that baffles them even more. Gaven will have to use all of his skills to figure out exactly how to unlock this woman's memory if they are going to figure out exactly what to do with her.

Look to Your Houses: Iron Street Watch Miniseries
by Fiona Patton:

Iron Street is in a tizzy when the captains from the different Haven districts have their annual meeting. While most of the watch knows what to expect out of these meetings, what comes as a shock is the revelation that there will be some new positions opening up at the Iron Street Watch, and outsiders are going to be filling those positions. While Sergeant Hektor Dann and his family aren't crooked, all of Iron Street is basically one big, self-policing group that is somewhat lax when it comes to pesky things like paperwork, budgets, and expenses.

When the watch learns of the new Lieutenant, everyone scrambles to make sure everything is accounted for and the watch is running in perfect order. Dann is put in charge of making sure the new brass doesn't realize anything isn't in perfect working order and, in doing so, learns just how lax his fellow watchmen have gotten. Again, nothing really bad is happening on Iron Street, but Dann learns of everything from the fudging of numbers around overtime, to food being misappropriated, to the key of the watch house itself being missing (for at least a generation or two). Dann's got his work cut out for him, but in the end, the Iron Street community and its watchmen might become a stronger family as a result.

What You Know How to See
by Dayle A. Dermatis:

This story is a follow-up to Dermatis's entry in Passages, "Burrowing Owl, Hidden No More", where a young woman was working as a barmaid at the Golden Compass Tavern trying to learn artificing without being able to join the Collegium. What You Know How to See isn't from Kya's perspective, but rather Thestry, the assistant to Master Artificer Qualla (Kya's teacher). Quella has been hiding a growing vision problem from everyone for fear of losing her ability to have apprentices. When Quella misplaces a flawed schematic, she is forced to confide in Thestry in the hopes that the assistant can find the paper before someone who knows what they are looking at sees it and recognizes the very obvious flaw in its design. Thestry will go to any length in the hopes of finding the schematic and preserving her friend's dignity.

Good Intentions: Wil and Lelia Miniseries
by Stephanie D. Shaver:

In this next installment of Shaver's long-running miniseries, the focus is on Khaari as she travels cross-country hoping to meet up with Herald Wil. In her journey, she finds that she has to stay in a small town supposedly besieged by a Pelagirs-touched bear. As Khaari stays and investigates though, something about the local situation just doesn't seem right. When she learns that the mystical beast might be caused by a curse, Khaari becomes even more determined to figure out exactly what is going on in the small town and bring it to a resolution before anyone else, man or beast, comes to harm.

Beebalm and Bergamot
by Cat Rambo:

Deirdra is an old herbalist who has lived in her small village of Brickleboro for many decades, treating those around her with the skills she learned and honed as a young woman skilled enough to be called to court and tend to the wealthy. Deirdra's interest is piqued when she learns that a local family has sold their farm to some city folk and that those new owners plan on turning the area into a plant to produce perfumes and colognes for the wealthy. When Deirdra realizes the devastation such a factory could bring to the small village and local wildlife, she becomes determined to discourage the newcomers, but she must find a way that will actually convince them to leave and not just retaliate.

The Stable Hand's Gift: Kyree Nwah Miniseries
by Ron Collins:

Unlike most stories from this series, this isn't from Nwah or her lifebonded friend Kade's perspective. Instead, the story is from the point of view of Maizy, a stable hand to Baron Haffti of Hardorn. At the end of the previous story, Nwah was captured by the Baron's men in the hopes of torturing details about Valdemar out of the gifted Kyree. In the breaks between Nwah's intensive interrogations, Maizy is tasked with tending to the Kyree and making sure the magical beast doesn't die. What the Baron doesn't account for, though, is Maizy's growing admiration for Nwah and the possibility that the world outside of the Baron's influence might not be as bad as she was led to believe. Maizy will have to make some hard decisions before this story is over as she struggles between various loyalties.

Warp and Weft: Weaver Deira Miniseries
by Diana Paxson:

Andry is close to completing his Herald training and soon Deira and he shall be wed. But when Andry gets word that he is needed in connection with his family farm, the couple head back to Andry's birthplace to find out exactly what is wrong. On the journey, Deira will struggle to figure out what her role is when her betrothed becomes a full Herald, and by the end of this story, she will have a much better understanding of her place at Andry's side.

An Enchantment of Nightingales: Animal Mindspeakers Miniseries
by Elisabeth Waters:

Stina is a long-time resident of the Temple of Thenoth and recurring character in this miniseries. She was sent to the Order after her parents' brush with debt collectors caused her family to be separated, but now Stina has decided that it's time to track down her estranged younger sisters and learn how they have been doing all these years. She knows they were sent to the Sisters of Ardana, an order focusing on copying books, and she hopes to find both Annika and Carina there and safe. Unsurprisingly, when she does meet up with the pair, they are angry at Stina for not knowing where their parents are and for not following them to the same Order that they have been staying at all this time. The younger ladies are surprised to learn that Stina has managed to marry her childhood crush, Sven-August though and learn of some of the adventures Stina has had while Annika and Carina have been focused on copying books all this time.

While Stina's reunion with her younger siblings isn't as heartfelt as she was hoping, she is able to walk away from the initial encounter knowing that they have found a place for themselves just as fitting as her own place under Lady Magdalena. It isn't until that evening when one of her sisters makes an unexpected appearance that Stina and Sven-August figure out exactly how they can best help the nearby Abbey and Stina's sisters.

Where There is Smoke
by Brenda Cooper:

Marilee, a widowed mother of two, faces a horrible challenge in this story. When bandits arrive at the small town of Johnsbarn, Marilee gathers up her five year-old daughter, Annabelle, and their old guard dog, Gideon, and escapes into the woods to survive the raid and stay ahead of the outlaws. While trying to keep her daughter safe, she is constantly worried about her 11 year-old son, David who was away for the day tending to their sheep with their other dog, Sasha. In order to survive the night and the aftermath, Marilee must focus on only one task at a time and even when the smoke starts to clear after the attack, she has to stay single-minded in order to track down David and hope that the family, and the town, can recover from the horrible night.

What A Chosen Family Chooses
by Dee Shull:

The Avelard Family Circus finds themselves in an insular, closed-off town called Hartsbridge, and while they are able to perform without too much prejudice, they get the distinct feeling that the local town council is just a bit too controlling for the town's health. Despite being on the river, they don't get much custom and the stone walls and nightly locked gates would speak to a town regularly besieged, but its distance from anywhere noteworthy hardly makes that a reasonable risk to worry about.

As it turns out, there isn't anything particularly supernatural happening in Hartsbridge, just a few in control who don't want to lose that power. It becomes clear to the traveling circus that Kaylan, the daughter of one of the town councilors, doesn't want to stay in Hartsbridge, so the Avelards need to contrive a way to do what they always do, help those who want a new life.

Enough: Foreseer Riann Miniseries
by Louisa Swann:

Riann, baby Beebee, Miz Goat, the Bard Darl and his friend, the changeling Gnash, have been traveling down the same road for some time and Riann is happy to have Darl's company while their paths coincide. She has come to appreciate his companionship and conversation, after all, if it weren't for Darl, Rianne would only have the little baby and the ornery goat (Beebee's only source of milk on their trek) to keep her company. One night, Rianne wakes up with the need to relieve herself. Unfortunately, that trip away from their camp proves dangerous when an earthquake hits and she falls into an underground river. Surprised that her foresight didn't warn her of the disaster, Riann must battle the environment while wrestling with a ton of self-doubt and personal demons, all the while wondering if Beebee is safe or if her charge has been injured in the same earthquake that put Riann in this situation.

Both Feet on the Ground: Teig Mysteries Miniseries
by Paige L. Christie:

Tieg has come a long way from the precocious girl working at her village's inn, and while she is still just a Guard Trainee, she has developed a bit of a reputation over the last few years. Part of her reputation came at the expense of a Healer Trainee's pride when Tieg showed her knowledge of herbal remedies and showed up young Kella. Ever since that day, it seems that Kella has had a bit of an attitude towards Tieg. So when Tieg is asked to join a small contingent in the hopes of collecting the petals of a rare herb, Teig's own woodcraft knowledge seems like the perfect fit. The problem is, the expedition is being led by Kella. Needless to say, Teig's assignment is going to lead to some uncomfortable situations, but maybe some bad air between the two young ladies will finally get cleared out before the journey is over.

Once a Bandit: Herald Marli Miniseries
by Brigid Collins:

Kimfer's life has taken a strange turn in the last year or so. It has to be for a Karsite man who turned to banditry to find himself living in Haven, life bonded to a Herald with an adopted daughter who has the gift of Pastsight. While he has made the most out of his time in the Valdemar capital, his past reputation has become a sticking point. Even though Kimfer promised Herald Marli that he would never steal again, there are those around him who always look suspiciously when they see him.

One such person is Lord Hargen, and when some encounters with the nobleman lead to accusations of theft, Kimfer realizes that he will never have peace in Haven unless he finds a way to nip these suspicions in the bud once and for all. Kimfer will have to use his banditry skills one more time, but he has to make sure Marli doesn't get involved either, because unless he can do it on his own everyone will believe that Marli and the other Heralds are just protecting him.

Wooden Horses
by Rosemary Edghill:

Hamlin is a skilled props maker and painter who, after spending some time traveling with a company of players, learned of an injustice that he simply couldn't ignore. When he learns of mining companies that employ small children to do hard manual labor, he leaves the troupe behind and formulates a plan to free the children. Hamlin crosses just over the eastern border of Valdemar and, with the aid of a new helper calling himself Rat, Hamlin frees the children and leads them out of town and into the safety of Valdemar's laws.

Intrigue in Althor
by Jeanne Adams:

Lady Demarra is the widowed third wife of the old Lord Fenman. When Fenman died, stewardship over the border town of Althor was given to a distant cousin of Fenman, and over the past three years Demarra has spent her time studying to be a Queen's Handmaiden. Now, trained in skills that no ordinary handmaiden could claim, Demarra is being sent on a mission. It seems that Fenman's cousin has passed away and Demarra must return to the town her cruel husband presided over in order to get a feel for how the area is doing.

When Demarra and her retinue arrive in Althor, what they find is disconcerting. Not only is the town not prepared for the upcoming snows, but it seems a very recent bandit attack has left many in a rough state. With Althor's healer hurt himself and the current Lady of the house injured to boot, Demarra must take control, prepare the town, make sure the one year-old baby heir is safe and get to the bottom of exactly what happened and who is to blame for the destruction of Althor.

A Day's Work
by Charlotte E. English:

Trick is the head of a small band of child street urchins in Haven. When Mak, one of her less bright followers, shows up with an unusual haul for something as simple as following someone through the city, she suspects the boy is being played. Trick decides to confront Mak's new employer only to learn that this person is a young boy himself, but obviously one that has lived a pampered life in the palace. Roald explains to Trick that he suspects one of the lords of selling state secrets, but since no one will believe a simple palace boy over a lord, he needs to get evidence. After some reconnaissance of her own, Trick decides that Roald is on the right track. Trick and her gang then team up with Roald to expose the nobleman in a way that they hope won't backfire on either Roald or Trick's waifs.

Old Wounds
by Terry O'Brien:

This story takes place soon after the Mage Storms series and follows a former military man who was awarded lands under King Treman of the Eastern Empire. Baron Arrs Tokran finds that life as a nobleman is not as cut and dried as his former military life, but he recognizes his duty and is doing what he can over his fiefdom. When he learns that one of the town's sows has been caught in a change circle and is apparently wreaking havoc in the nearby wilderness, he and his companions (also former soldiers) decide to take up their old responsibilities and go on a monster hunt.

Tokran comes across a border fort that has seen better days and learns that they, too, are being harassed by the sow and that the fort's command structure has broken down. Tokran must wed his previous role as a military commander with his new role as a Baron in order to merge the two forces into something that can take on the altered pig before it does even more damage.

Anything, With Nothing
by Mercedes Lackey:

Lackey's own entry into this anthology series follows a new and untested Herald in the time when Valdemar itself was fairly new (only a couple of King's away from its founding). Herald Tadeus started his career as a guard in the tannery district of Haven, but when he was chosen by Jocile, his life went in a different direction. While his job might be different on paper, he sees his responsibility over the patch of Valdemar he has been assigned as basically the same as his time in the watch. Unfortunately, the people of Hob's Rest and the surrounding villages don't feel like he's quite earned their respect yet. While he has been doing a good job of settling disputes and making sure everyone in the area is treated fairly, he knows it could be a long time before these people look up to him.

Tadeus's time in the area hasn't been all about managing a disgruntled population though, he has also been subtly helping to encourage a stronger defense around Hob's Rest, as well as helping train the outlying farms that in an emergency, everyone should come to the town and shore up. Of course, Tadeus hopes that this training will never be needed, but of course it is. When a small army of bandits start attacking the outlying settlements and the population come together, Tadeus and Jocile will have to see just how well their plans will work in practice.

Every one of these anthology books has been a joy to read. While Lackey's own contribution to the collection is often a reason to read it, in and of itself, the collection as a whole typically expands on the depth of the Valdemar setting in unique ways. Any fan of this world shouldn't hesitate to pick up Anything with Nothing: Tales of Valdemar - Book 17.

-J.R. Nip, GameVortex Communications
AKA Chris Meyer

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