Midway Arcade Treasures has 24 classic arcade games packed into one CD, Midway's biggest classic achievement yet. The games included on this CD were around during the heyday of arcade gaming, and didn't suffer from flashy graphics or horrible story lines. A couple of vectors on the screen and a two line blurb about the back story pasted on the cabinet were all that was needed in those days. Ah, the memories.
You'll see games like Rampart, Gauntlet, Smash TV, Robotron 2084, Joust, Marble Madness, the list goes on. There is enough here on a single CD to satisfy any classic gamer's appetite.
Nothing flashy has been done to these games besides the fact that you can save your high scores on a memory card. Nothing has been changed during the port from arcade to console, and even the original bugs from the arcade are still present.