Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS-Force is a fighting game where players take control of a mechanized unit and must defeat their opponents or be destroyed. The game is pretty straightforward, really. On-screen, you’ll notice your unit’s durability in the bottom left corner. If this reaches zero, your unit is destroyed and you must wait to redeploy. However, some missions will count this as a failure and you’ll have to try again. To the bottom right, you’ll see your remaining ammo. When this reaches zero, you must reload your weapon in order to use it again. Your radar map is located in the top right and you can use this to confirm machine position as well as the camera direction. Finally, the timer is located above the radar map and if the timer expires, you’ll fail the mission. This rule only applies to certain missions, however.
Learning how to control your unit is the key to victory. Luckily, it’s not difficult to learn at all, and with a little practice, you’ll be a monster on the battlefield. Players move their units using the Directional Pad or Left Control Stick. Your combat abilities are mapped between (Square) and (Triangle). Pressing (Square) launches your ranged attacks so you can fight from a safe distance and (Triangle) allows you to use melee attacks for more personal encounters. The (X) button allows you to jump and holding it allows for a higher jump. It’s fairly simple, so practice a bit and show them what you can do out there!
Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS-Force has quite a selection of things for players to do. The first is Extreme Force, where you create and train forces to conquer missions. The missions are divided into Areas which consist of several missions. Completing missions unlocks the next and you can even unlock new missions by earning Haro medals. These medals are earned by completing the bonus objectives on a mission. Missions also have one of two specific characteristics: VS and Force. VS missions are single unit-oriented, while Force missions allow you the use of several teams to take down your opponents. At the end of a mission, you’ll be treated to a reward screen showing the mission level, time taken for completion, enemies killed, times you were downed and the Haro medals earned. The next mode is the Extend Mode, which allows players to perform free battles against the A.I. using various settings or engage in course battles which forces the player to use default machines. The Data Base allows players to view mobile suit data and graphics, listen to music, and review various tutorials. The Force Battle is the multiplayer mode where players can compete against various opponents via ad hoc. Options does the usual as in any game, which is allowing you to adjust game settings.
As you complete more missions, eventually your unit will take damage from the hard-fought battles. This is represented by the durability of your unit. Durability goes down as you complete missions and take damage. After your unit’s durability hits zero, that unit will be unavailable for a period of time while it is repaired. To prevent this, you can let that unit sit out for a few missions, allowing it to recover some durability, or you can repair it manually by using some Gundam Points. This allows you to fully repair your unit and let it keep jumping into those battles. Watch the conditions of your units to keep them functioning as needed.