Legasista is the story of a young man named Alto who explores ruins in the hopes of curing his sister from a mysterious condition. The ruins of
Legasista are really the remains of ancient technology and research labs. Science has become the ancient mythology and mystery of this world. He soon meets some strange characters that include talking bean sprouts (who would be perfectly happy if Alto would eat them) and androids. Together, they provide a bit of comic relief as well, especially since one bean sprout in particular has a huge crush on Alto. The technology of the past turns out to have a deadly side, however. Alto gains the trust of a "weapon" that could turn on him at any moment, yet he continues on in the hope that it might cure his sister. Eh, it is a standard JRPG story, but it is entertaining.
The story is interesting enough to keep you going, and the big, animated portraits of each character help bring the acting to life. That’s good, because this is a pretty intense dungeon crawler that requires some perseverance and motivation to get through. The sheer number of concepts you need to learn for this game is staggering. It can be fun, but it can be tedious.
When you do get really deep into this game, there are plenty of features. One particularly cool one is the ability to create your own character. For those that like a challenge, there are random dungeons that can go up to 100 levels deep. You can somewhat control the difficulty of these dungeons, so if you want to go for the most rare equipment, you can head straight for the big challenges.