Graphically, Spectrobes has a bit of good with its bad. The various menus are slick and futuristic. Everything rotates, glows, or flashes appropriately to give that “hi-tech” feel. It’s the rest of the game that exhibits a lack of excitement. Backgrounds and battles are rendered in jagged, polygonal 3D. I just get a bit tired of saying, “Wow, this is pretty good for a handheld!” Personally, I’d rather see distinguishable characters with clean lines or no 3D rendering at all. After all, you’re supposed to be collecting hundreds of cool pets that are also cool-looking. Most of the time spent viewing your pets, or Spectrobes rather, you see them as indistinguishable blobs on the battlefield.
Now, there are places where you can get a better view of your Spectrobe. You can view it in the incubator and zoom in on it. But that meant you had to dig through a menu for your visual reward. Besides the graphics in battle and in the background, you get to see anime-style portraits of your characters during certain conversations. Like many other games that use this technique, it’s there to show the characters’ emotional states during dialogue. It’s a welcome touch for a game that otherwise has little depth in its story or dialogue.
As for music, Spectrobes has fairly standard RPG background music with a futuristic touch. It’s fitting and has a bit of depth to it, but if the tracks were any shorter it would be very repetitive. With static-sounding punches and blows, the sound effects aren’t any more spectacular. Still, it all gets the job done, and isn’t too annoying.