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God Hand

Score: 83%
ESRB: Mature
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Clover Studio
Media: DVD/1
Players: 1
Genre: Action/ Fighting

Graphics & Sound:

God Hand is what could be referred to as, “stupid fun”. It doesn’t take itself all that seriously, nor does it strive to be something that everyone can enjoy. Instead it is repetitive, hard as heck and enjoyable.

Visually, God Hand is a mix of good and bad. The game’s art style is enjoyable, though both the characters and environments are rather blocky in some areas. Smooth animations and a great camera system that draws you into each fight balance out any technical flaws. It can be disorienting on your first go, though you’ll get used to it quickly.

Music is upbeat and clicks with the on-screen action. Voice work is cheesy, though it works with the game’s silly, lewd approach.


God Hand features as much of a story as it needs to. You are a cocky fighter named Gene whose arm has been replaced with something known as the God Hand. Apparently the arm contains all sorts of crazy power, allowing Gene to charge through hordes of thugs, demons and the people who took his original arm. There’s no end to the number of truly unique enemies you’ll face.

Gameplay is everything you would expect from a brawler. The game is broken up into stages, each with its own unique look. Level design isn’t particularly good, nor is it all that complicated. Instead it is simply a backdrop for all of the ass kicking taking place. As simple as the game is, it is amazing that the game lasts as long as it does. The length isn’t uncommon for an action game, but those games also have puzzles and other distractions; God Hand is simply Gene walking around and fighting the same motley crew of enemies in every level. If you’re one for variety, this really isn’t your game.

Combat is what makes God Hand interesting to play. Over the course of the game, you’ll unlock a number of punches and kicks that you can use in order to create your own fighting style. You can start out with a few punches, add a kick or dizzy move for good measure, then end it all with a suplex. Seeing as how there is no limit to the number of enemies you’ll face at a time, combat is always up-tempo and never boring – especially when you start to throw some well-timed evasive maneuvers into the mix.


One of God Hand’s more interesting aspects is its dynamic difficulty. You still have standard Easy, Normal and Hard difficulty levels; but the game will also adjust itself based on how well you are doing, ensuring that the game remains frantic and challenging. Normally the words “Level Up” can be a good thing, but not so in God Hand. Rather than boosting your power, a “Level Up” message means that everyone else has gone up a notch, allowing them to beat you worse than Ike Turner ever imagined. Enemies will eventually revert back to normal, but not without taking out a major chunk of your energy. Sure, its frustrating sometimes – yet it is also something you’ll keep plugging away at just to prove something to the A.I.

Game Mechanics:

The control mechanics behind God Hand are tricky at first. Gene runs really fast, yet turns like a tank. This makes combat awkward when you first pick up the game. Eventually, you’ll learn how to use the quick-turn option and evasive moves (which are mapped to the right analog stick), making it much easier to get around. In fact, most of your time is spent fighting, so if you’ve got somewhere to go, it is usually your attacks that are getting you there.

In addition to his normal attacks, Gene can also use a number of special attacks that are unlocked over the course of the game. These are usually really powerful and often times pretty funny to watch. As you defeat enemies, you’ll also build up energy and unleash the God Hand, giving Gene a power boost and invincibility.

Were it a full-priced game, God Hand would be hard to recommend. It is fun, but not $50 fun. Even at $30, the game isn’t recommended for just anyone, though anyone looking for a fast-paced brawler should definitely give God Hand a look.

-Starscream, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ricky Tucker

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