Black Monday is without a doubt a story-driven action game. In fact, it is the presentation and story that allows this game to climb into the positives when it comes to a rating. While you may normally buy a game for its gameplay, this title is more of a playable movie than it is a standard video game. And while I’m all about a great storyline, this second
Getaway just doesn’t have great gameplay content, which is sad because it has so much potential as a video game.
I really hate to be cliché and compare every game of this genre to the Grand Theft Auto series, but guess what... I’m going to! Is Black Monday on par? Not even close. The gameplay of Black Monday is very linear in nature as opposed to the free-roam style of GTA. In fact, most areas are actually quite short. Other than having to often use a “trial and error” method of playing each level, the cut-scenes are usually longer than the actual gameplay.
While this sequel does sport a ton of weapons, as well as real-world cars and motorcycles, the game itself is plagued with issues. You’ll actually take control of three playable characters, each with their own abilities. In a pseudo-GTA style, you’ll be able to hop into any vehicle you choose at the touch of a button. While driving, the camera actually is handled pretty well. You’ll even have the ability to shoot in four directions as you drive with a quick press of a button in conjunction with the right analog stick. However, when your characters are on foot, be prepared for some extreme frustration. The camera is handled in a similar way as when you’re driving, which means that you can only look to the side as if you’re turning your head, giving no overall camera control to the player. When out in the open, this can sometimes be tricky, but it is more so when in tight areas like stairwells or any time you are walking through a doorway.
Actually, Black Monday has a few pretty slick elements to it as well. The ability to duck behind objects and perform a diving roll offers a bit more interaction than a typical run-and-gun shooter. Of course, you can do the latter as well, but you’re only allowed a certain amount of health to recharge your body. Unfortunately, aiming in Black Monday gets a bit tricky when it needs to be done quickly. With the lack of a crosshair, you must use the tip of the gun to do your aiming. However, performing rolling tactics and firing as you stand makes the enemies tend to miss you all too easily.