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Oddworld: Abe’s Exoddus

Score: 89%
ESRB: Teen
Publisher: GT Interactive
Developer: Oddworld Inhabitants
Media: CD/1
Players: 1 - 2
Genre: Action/ Adventure/ Platformer (2D)

Graphics & Sound:

Well, Oddworld: Abe’s Exoddus IS a sequel, so don’t expect a completely different game. The graphics are very similar to Abe’s Oddysee, with some nifty FMVs included for good measure. GT Interactive was kind enough to include one that gives you the background story if you aren’t familiar with Abe’s Oddysee. Abe’s voice seems a bit more assertive this go-around (maybe brought on by his new hero status), and of course, there are lots of new phrases that he can say. Don’t worry -- Abe can still fart. There are also a host of new phrases that you can make your enemies say when you possess them.


Again, this is the second in a quintology, so it’s pretty much more of the same. Abe’s new quest is to save the bones of his ancestors, as the Glukkons have been using them as the key ingredient in their new product, Soul Storm Brew. Blind Mudokons are used to harvest the bones, so these guys present new problems. They’re harder to save because they just keep going until you tell them to stop. Laughing gas throws a new kink in the works, as it makes your buddies loopy and you have to slap ‘em to calm ‘em down. There are also depressed Mudokons (be kind or they kill themselves) and angry ones (timebombs waiting to explode); also some new weird and wacky enemies to deal with. All in all, if you like Abe’s Oddysee, you’ll enjoy Oddworld: Abe’s Exoddus too.


Not too hard and not too easy. There are places in Abe’s Exoddus that seem impossible to pass (or to save that poor Mudokon who’s being mercilessly beaten), but stick to it. One awesome feature to help you along is the Quick Save. Hit that on the Options Screen as often as you like. If you die, you’ll start from the last spot you Quick Saved. There is also a memory card save, but Quick Save is really fast (hence the name) and perfect for those times when you finally make it past a bad spot, but you aren’t ready to do a full save.

Game Mechanics:

I hate to repeat myself, but Oddworld: Abe’s Exoddus is a lot like Abe’s Oddysee. Abe can talk, jump, fart, throw rocks, hoist himself up, possess the bad guys, etc. It’s just like Abe’s Oddysee, only with an expanded storyline, some new phrases, and of course, new tribulations for Abe. One cool feature is the ability for Abe to speak to a group. Instead of having to instruct each buddy singularly in a group of five, he just says “All ya.” It’ll save time in a sticky situation. There’s supposed to be a bonus for saving all Mudokon slaves. The booklet also alludes to something special if you kill them all. Let’s just say they deny it a bit too much. Hehe. It’ll be fun finding out anyway.

-Psibabe, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ashley Perkins

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