G-Police/Colony Wars series centers on relentless, constant, pulse-pounding gameplay, and in this,
Weapons of Justice delivers. You still have your ol' trusty Venom VTOL 'copter' from the first game, but now you have four (?!) more vehicles that you can pilot, from an updated Venom to a ground car to a corsair. Each one controls differently (well, the updated Venom controls pretty much the same, but so much better you'll wish you had it in the first
G-Police), and driving the Rhino (the car) is an experience in and of itself. I found myself tooling aimlessly around the levels in the Rhino, just having fun driving. It helps that as you gain new vehicles, 'secret levels' open up that let you practice using them, a la the training missions in the original
G-Police. Very, very nice.
The gameplay is much like the first -- mission based destruction. 'Protect fozzle' and 'Blow up fozzle' are very common objectives, but in Weapons of Justice, terribly often, your objective will shift mid-level to something completely different, and you've got to scramble to gather your wits and make the best of the mess you've caused inadvertantly. This makes the game all the more engrossing, along with all the more difficult.
You can also control wingmen, which vary from other G-Police members to squads of Marines. The control mechanism is extremely simple (pretend they're a secondary weapon and 'fire' them at the enemy), but it makes for even richer gameplay, as you can send your lackeys to do the destruction, while you hide away so you don't get blown up. Of course, that generally means that you don't get the Secondary Objectives, but hey... who said war was fair?
As before, you're protecting the domes of Callisto, and Weapons of Justice is set a mere few weeks after the first game. Nanotech has been destroyed, but splinter groups are coming together and forming a crime syndicate that oftentime rivals the power of the old Nanotech. The story unfolds as the game progresses, with the requisite twists and turns. As in most of Psygnosis' games, the story is just there as a hook -- the gameplay is what keeps you coming. And this game never gets old, even after you lose a mission for the 10th consecutive time. Blow stuff up, dodge around a skyscraper, blow more stuff up, dodge incoming missiles. Ah! This is the life!