It's a good thing that
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 isn't like a Voodoo doll, because if that was the case, poor Tony would probably be paralyzed for life due to my skating ability. You have the option to be the Hawk himself, or 12 other pro skaters. And if those don't suffice, you are capable of Creating-Your-Own Skater, complete with duds, hairstyle, and body type. With all of these skaters, your options of gameplay include Free Skate (board on any level you want), Career Mode, and 2-Player Mode. With 2-Player Mode, you can play games like Trick Attack (get the most points under a time limit), Graffiti (pull the best move off a certain object and you get the points), Tag (like the schoolyard in elementary, don't be "It"), and Horse (spell HORSE for your opponent by pulling off a better trick). The other Single Player Mode is the Career Mode, where you skate through each level trying to complete specific goals like beat the High Score or Knock over some cans, etc.
Once you've mastered every single half pipe, ramp and bank on all of the levels, THPS2 provides you with a Build-Your-Own Skate Park feature in real-time. This allows you to try out the hundreds of new tricks that have been added to the game.