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R4: Ridge Racer Type 4

Score: 98%
ESRB: Everyone
Publisher: Namco
Developer: Namco
Media: CD/2
Players: 1 - 2 (1 - 4 Multitap)
Genre: Racing

Graphics & Sound:

R4: Ridge Racer Type 4 is a very pretty game. While the cars themselves come in a close second to Gran Turismo in appearance, the racetracks are very detailed and beautiful. Also, they hold together perfectly as fast as you can go. I didn't see any pop-in at all. The music is very uptempo... and very Namco. Everywhere you look, you'll see reference to Namco games of years gone by. I think one of the funniest things I noticed, however, was the line 'I feel the need for speed' in the intro video's song. A stab at EA, I suppose?

The interface that carries the 'story' along is an interesting feature, and has a nice, fresh presentation. Namco also has a lot of original 'blur' effects which enhance the realism of R4. There's also a second disc included in the package which has some Namco demos and (get this...) a 'Turbo Mode' of the original Ridge Racer, with faster gameplay and enhanced graphics. It is the product of an experiment in development of the Ridge Racer series. The 'Turbo Mode' version was eventually abandoned in exchange for a complete makeover, but is included in a playable form as a bonus. Ah, Namco... You KNOW what I like!


R4 carries the Ridge Racer torch, and makes an excellent resounding reply to SCEA's Gran Turismo. While Gran Turismo hit a certain niche, allowing gamers to 'recreate' a car they could actually hope to obtain without winning the lottery, R4 stays true to its high-end racing roots, while matching Gran Turismo's graphical quality. With several cars with their own handling characteristics, and different sponsors to choose from, R4 gives gamers a fast paced, challenging, customizable romp behind the wheel. What more could you ask for?


There is no difficulty setting in R4. If you've played a lot of racing games before, you'll probably get the hang of it pretty quick. Otherwise, there is a mode called 'Time Attack' that allows you to work on your lap times. This is essentially the 'practice' mode. Also, you can adjust the difficulty somewhat based on your selection of cars and transmissions, etc. I find the best car to start with is the American made 'Lizard' (of, course...). Mainly, it's put up or shut up, though. There's no 'baby' level.

Game Mechanics:

This is truly sweet. R4: Ridge Racer Type 4 works very well, and is extremely easy on the eyes. The graphics engine manages to deliver high detail, fast and consistent framerate, realistic light blurring, and virtually no pop-in. An excellent piece of work. The included 'Turbo Mode' bonus disc is a great perk for those of us who like to pick apart the mechanical aspects of games and study game development. An excellent game overall. Bravo, Namco.

-Geck0, GameVortex Communications
AKA Robert Perkins

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