The one technical advance Dynasty Warriors had over other games was the sheer amount of onscreen characters the game was able to generate. At any given time, there were nearly 30-40 soldiers onscreen at once. This technical achievement also finds its way over to Samurai Warriors. It is crazy when you see just how much is going on at once; one group of soldiers charges at you with swords, another with pikes; meanwhile you're unleashing a massive power move and clearing away another group that has surrounded you. Granted, there is a bit of a draw distance problem that keeps some soldiers invisible to you, but with everything else going on, you're likely to not notice that. Best of all, everything is crisp and fluid without any noticeable drop in frame rate. Character models are finely detailed as well are really nice to look at. Even the minor scrubs you kick around with ease look nice. Locations are also well done and reflect the look of ancient Japan.
Both the soundtrack and sound effects are good, but the thing that is likely to get the most attention from a select group of people is that you can select between both the Japanese and English voice tracks. Personally, I could care less about this, but you'd be surprised with just how many people get excited over this option. Of course, after listening to the English dialog, which is a little cheesy, I can see why they'd want to hear the Japanese tracks.