As an inmate of the Maryland Department of Corrections Facility on Carnate Island, you go about your everyday life behind bars, at least until one very strange day. Nicknamed 'Torque', our hero (who is actually a villain) has been incarcerated for the murder of his family. But all of that is about to change. It seems that the ghosts of past-executed inmates have come back for revenge, and they don't care who gets in their way.
After all hell breaks loose (literally), you have the opportunity to escape the penitentiary. But in order to do so, you will have to not only get past the surviving guards, but also the abominations that are sprouting from the ground. The beasts of The Suffering are all based on different methods of execution, including hangings, the firing squad and lethal injection. Not only will you fight these hideous beasts, but you can become one as well. And when you do, the rampage you go on can often leave numerous bodies in its wake.
While the storyline of The Suffering is not all that deep, and the completion time not incredibly long (it took me an estimated 20 hours), I was thoroughly drawn into the action and the unexpectedness of the game. Based on your actions, The Suffering also offers three different endings. Because of this, you'll always have to make life or death decisions involving characters you meet during your prison break. Usually it's a simple choice: Do I kill them or let them live and use their advice to my advantage? You will encounter both prisoners and guards, both friend and foe alike.
Where I believe The Suffering shines, however, is simply in the overall presentation of the game. Torque suffers from many hallucinations throughout the game; some of which are mild, while others are massive. These recollections are outstanding because many times the action on screen continues during the flashback. In addition, you will have a bit of problem solving ahead of you on Carnate Island. While the puzzles are never overly difficult, there are times when solving these puzzles coincides with baddies trying to kill you.