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Free D3 Game? Win One (or Two) from Us...

Company: D3
Product: Videogame Giveaways

PS3 gamers, rejoice... we've got not one, but two contests for you. All it takes to win is to enter, and all you have to provide is your name and email (so we can contact you if you win).

The best part is - if you win, we just send you your code and you use it to download the game... there's no shipping delay while you tell your friends, "I won something" and then you wait for it to show up. Why, this might just be the sweepstakes of the future... perhaps someday all sweepstakes will simply email you a code that you can enter and the prize just materializes in some sort of Star-Trek food generator sort of way... dude... just think about it...

Any way, here's you're shot at participating in a contest whose technology is ahead of its time. You can enter in the Texas Cheat 'Em PSN Giveaway or Puzzle Quest: Galactrix Giveaway, both from the nice folks at D3Publishing.

Oh, and for future contests, be sure to check out our list of Contests at GameVortex.

-Geck0, GameVortex Communications
AKA Robert Perkins

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