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Score: 55%
Developer: HANDeBand
Device Type: Accessory
Compatible With:


The HANDeBand is an accessory designed for a need that doesn't seem to be all that prevalent, at least not in my day-to-day life.

When attached to the back of your handheld device, you can then slip your finger (or fingers if you are using the two-ringed version) into the HANDeBand's rings and securely hold your device without worrying about it slipping out of your hands. In fact, you don't even have to actually hold onto the device once it is on your finger(s).

The HANDeBand comes in two parts. One is a circular base that attaches to your device; I tried it primarily on my iPhone 4. This base connects to your mobile device with a strong adhesive layer. The other part is the section that your finger(s) slip into and they slide together rather easily and in such a way as to allow the base and ring to rotate so that you can position the mobile device at any angle on your finger.

The HANDeBand comes in three sizes and there is a size chart on the back of the packaging, but it wasn't until I explored the product's website that I learned how to tell which of the sizes I had in my possession. Based on the size chart saying I needed a medium HANDeBand and the fact that there were two dots on the HANDeBand itself, I seem to have gotten the recommended size for my fingers. I will say that it was a pretty tight fit at first, but after a couple of weeks, the ring loosened up some and felt like it was where it should be.

The packaging also claims that the HANDeBand can be used as a stand to lay your mobile device propped up at an angle for watching video, and while that is definitely possible, it feels more like an afterthought than anything else. Of course, given a device bigger than a phone, like an iPad for example, this feels far less practical.

So why do you apparently need the HANDeBand? It is supposed to reduce finger strain from lengthy mobile device use and allow you to text or e-mail faster. In both cases, the reason is because you don't have to actively hold your device and you can just let it rest in your hands without worrying about it slipping off.


If there is one thing I can say about the HANDeBand, its that once you have it securely in place, you don't have to worry about it slipping out of your hands. The adhesive used to attach the mounting ring to your mobile device is strong, and hopefully you put it in the best location the first time around because it is a permanent install. Well, let me say it differently, you can remove the HANDeBand from your device, but you won't be able to reattach it somewhere else afterwards. It took a butter knife and some elbow grease before I was able to remove the HANDeBand's connector from my iPhone and afterwards, there wasn't enough usable adhesive to even think about attaching it on something else.

The ring portion of the HANDeBand, the part you slip your finger(s) into, works well once it loosens up some and fits on your finger. It clicks into place on the mounting circle and rotates freely in all directions without any problems.

  • Easy Attach And Detach Capability
  • Fully Interchangeable With Any Other Size or Style HANDeBand
  • Full 360 Degree Rotation Allowing for Thousands of Positions
  • Wear on Right or Left Hand
  • Wear Upright or Sideways
  • Attaches Securely to Either One or Two Fingers
  • Attach to Nearly Any Smartphone, eReader, or Handheld Device
  • May Be Attached Directly to the Back of the Phone or a Case
  • Can Also Be Used as a Vertical or Horizontal Kickstand for Your Mobile Device

Drawbacks & Problems::

Unfortunately, I found HANDeBand had a lot of issues that simple made it an impractical accessory to use.

While the mounting circle isn't very thick, having it on the back of your mobile device means that pretty much any case you have won't work. Similarly, any accessory that acts like a cradle to your mobile device will not fit properly. So, while it does work to alleviate an apparent problem, again, it's a problem that I don't seem to have, it can make many of your other accessories all but useless.

Besides the fact that the HANDeBand is practically impossible to adjust once you have it installed, the only other issue I had with it was the fact that I simply didn't know what to do with the part that slips on your finger when your phone is put away; provided you don't have the pocket or purse space to walk around with it all together, of course. The removable piece is oddly shaped and a little bulky, sure not in the grand scheme of things, but it is when you are talking about things you carry on your person. Looking into this problem, I found that HANDeBand's website simply suggests putting the removable part in your pocket, "like you do with your headphones." Well, if there is one thing I don't need, it's another thing for my headphones to tie themselves around.

In the end, I just don't see the need for the HANDeBand. The niche it claims to fill just doesn't seem to be something that causes a lot of problems, and the issues that HANDeBand seems to bring about feel bigger than those it fixes. Unless you see some reason in your life where having your mobile device connected to your hand, but not actually having to hold it would be preferable, then I can't recommend the HANDeBand. If you are in that odd boat though, then maybe the HANDeBand is just the right tool you've been looking for.

-J.R. Nip, GameVortex Communications
AKA Chris Meyer

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