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PS3 Move Champion Pack
Score: 65%
Developer: InterWorks
Device Type: Accessory


The PS3 Move Champion Pack's functionality isn't readily apparent. The set, which is meant for use exclusively with Sports Champions (the Move's pack-in game), looks like a bunch if plastic "toys" with no real purpose other than add a little extra garnish to the Move controllers. To some extent, the assumption would be correct. At the same time, once the "rubber hits the road," it's functionality becomes a little clearer.

The pack comes with three accessories for the Move controller, each designed around a different game type in Sports Champions. There isn't something for every game; instead the pack sticks mainly to the games that might require an extra bit of nudging.


For what it offers, the PS3 Move Champion Pack performs well.

The archery attachment adds two "arms" to the controller, giving it the appearance of a bow. Of the three accessories, it is the one that best qualifies as being for decoration only. Although some players may find the bow handy when aiming, I found it got in the way most of the time.

The same can be said for the sword and shield combo designed for the gladiator game. Again, the attachments are more for decoration, but it did help when fighting. The set is designed for use when playing with the dual-Move controller setup. One controller serves as the shield, while the other serves as a sword. The aid wasn't a massive game changer, though it helped keep movements straight in my mind during fights.

In fact, "keeping things straight" is likely the Champion Pack's greatest strength. Although gesture-based controllers are a step in the right direction as far as accessibility, explanation is still required when handing the controller to another player. With the attachments in place, the difficulty curve wasn't completely smoothed out, but took a bit of a dip. Handing someone controllers that look like a sword and shield is much easier to explain than handing them two sticks with a glowing rubber ball on the end. This was especially helpful when playing with younger kids who just want to play.

Although I didn't find much use for most of the Champion Pack outside a few play sessions with friends, I ended up using the paddle attachment more than I originally expected. The paddle attachment offers the flexibility to hold the controller similar to a real paddle. Everyone has their own way of playing and I noticed a bit of upswing to my game while using it.

  • Move Bow Controller Attachment
  • Move Sword & Shield Controller Attachment
  • Move Paddle Controller Attachment

Drawbacks & Problems::

Although it may look like the attachments would have some sort of impact on the PS3's ability to track the controller's movements, they never got in the way. Performance was just as sharp with the attachments as it was without. However, this isn't to say the set is without its issues.

The first, and most problematic, is installation. The handle covers snap on with little problem, though the sword and paddle attachments take some time to snap on. Installation looks easy, but getting the two parts to hook up takes some work. At one point, I was ready to just write the product off, but was eventually able to work the parts over enough that I could combine the two without too much trouble. Hopefully, this is an issue unique to my set; just know the possibility for problems exist.

The bow accessory also presented some problems. Installation is a breeze, though the spokes that are supposed to keep the arms affixed to the handle aren't a snug fit. They'll hold well enough, though a few shakes are usually enough to cause one (or both) to pop off their fasteners.

The PS3 Move Champion Pack isn't something you'd purchase to add functionality. It's an accessory and that's about it. Although the set has its positives, they aren't enough of a positive to make the pack a "must have." At best, it's a purchase best left for Move owners with small kids or friends who might need a little extra help while trying to envision what they are supposed to be doing in certain Sports Champions games. Even then, it's a tenuous purchase.

-Starscream, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ricky Tucker

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