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Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series: Episode 3 - More Than A Feeling
Score: 96%
Publisher: Telltale Games
Developer: Telltale Games
Media: Download/1
Players: 1; 2 - 12 (Crowd Play)
Genre: Adventure

Previously On Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy:
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series: Episode 3 - More Than A Feeling starts off with Peter and his team following the ancient temple that will supposedly unlock the capabilities of the artifact called the Eternity Forge.

Of course, the trip to this temple hasn't been a straightforward one. Not only did the Guardians have to take down the Mad Titan Thanos himself, but when they were attacked by a Kree ship, Peter died. Thankfully, this was when the Eternity Forge decided to show its true potential by bringing Peter back to life. In Episode 2 - Under Pressure, we learn a lot more about Rocket Raccoon's tragic past and a lost love. Rocket is determined to bring that love back, but it fails and Rocket is left in dismay.

In More Than A Feeling, the Guardians will learn just how to power up the Eternity Forge so that Peter's mom, Rocket's girlfriend, and even Drax's family, can be restored to life, but they also learn the cost of such an act and Peter must make the hardest decision this game has given him so far.

Mixed Memories:
As with past episodes, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series: Episode 3 - More Than A Feeling is going to focus on one of the members of the Guardians. In Episode 1 - Tangled Up in Blue, we got a lot of Peter's backstory. For Under Pressure, the focus was on Rocket. Here, we delve deeper into Gamora, and by extension, Nebula.

With the Eternity Forge's abilities to make people relive their memories, and, for some reason, have Peter see those memories as well, we get to experience one of the last training sessions between the two assassin sisters and then the mission that put their relationship in the, let's say, less than ideal condition it is currently in.

What I really liked about this aspect of the game is that early on, the player sees Gamora's side of the story. Players choose her dialogue and exactly how she carries out those actions. Later in the episode though, Peter gets to experience Nebula's side of the memory, and we see how those comments the player chose earlier sound from Nebula's perspective. We also learn of the motivations behind the events after their mission. If you've been playing your cards right, you can either choose to help reconcile the sisters or keep them apart, and while this won't change the episode's final outcome in the grand scheme of things, who is where in the end episode action sequence will be a direct result of Peter's guidance.

With Great Power:
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series: Episode 3 - More Than A Feeling introduces the Guardians to a being that was using Peter's memories of his mother to lure him to the temple. Once awakened, she explains that she was waiting for him so that he may decide the ultimate fate of the Eternity Forge. It seems that, when fully powered, it does have the ability to bring anyone back to life, but for each soul restored, another must be lost in order to maintain balance.

Peter finds his crew torn. Rocket and Drax want their loved ones back, Groot and Gamora see the dangers of such an artifact, especially since Hala, and her ship full of dead, but preserved, Kree soldiers, is waiting in the wings to claim the device and restore the warrior race to its former glory.

The choice Peter will have to make is made pretty clear early on in More Than A Feeling, and while a lot of this episode is to help inform the player of just what the consequences of those choices are, the player and Peter will have to make a decision, and some of the Guardians won't like that decision, not to mention Hala's own reaction when she learns of the choice Peter made.

Next Time On Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy:
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series: Episode 3 - More Than A Feeling ends in one of two ways, but as you might expect, both options land the Guardians in some pretty hot water and a lot of mess to clean up. It will be interesting to see how these two choices play out in the last episodes and, given what the Eternity Forge's power is capable of, what lasting effects this series as a whole has on the Guardians' lives.

With the last two episodes of Guardians of the Galaxy looming over the horizon, I already feel like this game series is one of Telltale's strongest titles and even a casual knowledge of the characters is all you need in order to enjoy the story, especially since it is doing a great job of delving into each character's backstory far more than even the MCU movies do. If you've been hesitating on picking up this series, then wait no more. More Than A Feeling packs a lot of punch and it looks like the rest of the season promises to be just as good.

-J.R. Nip, GameVortex Communications
AKA Chris Meyer

Related Links:

Microsoft Xbox One Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series: Episode 3 - More Than A Feeling Windows Minecraft: Story Mode: Season Two: Episode 3 - Jailhouse Block

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