Capullo’s panel took the form of a Q&A session where fans were able to ask just about anything – well, anything except for what is happening next in the current "Death in the Family" arc running through the Bat-family titles – from his influences, to which of Batman’s rogues gallery he’d love to try his hand at in future arcs.
Many early questions dealt with Capullo’s career and his working relationship with Batman writer Scott Snyder. Capullo is a self-taught artist and in his early days, drew a lot of influence from Silver Age artist John Buscema, who he said was the master at drawing the human form. After bouncing around smaller indie books, Capullo started his career at Marvel on Quasar, X-Force and a handful of books in the What if…? series. He eventually left Marvel to work with Todd McFarlane on Spawn. While at Image, he also started his own creator-owned series, The Creech.
After his time on Spawn, Capullo set his sights on outside projects, most notably the artwork on the Halo 3 controllers and artwork for the World of Warcraft card game. Both projects were drastically different from his work in comics, though Capullo said the change in canvas didn’t really affect his process. Even while doing advertising work, Capullo said, "Illustration is Illustration." If you can do it on a piece of paper, you can do it on a controller, computer screen or anywhere.