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MechWarrior Online: 25 Tons at 136 Kph... Shaken - AND Stirred

Company: Piranha Games

I don't want to write this. Don't get me wrong; MechWarrior Online is awesome and, yes, I want to tell the world, but... I can't write about MechWarrior Online while I'm playing MechaWarrior Online ...and I don't want to stop playing.

I'm a big MechWarrior fan from back in the day. I've played the SNES version, the first version put on a PC, and even the table-top hex-based game. I'm very familiar with MechWarrior's balancing act between speed, armor, firepower and heat dissipation, and I enjoy tweaking a mech to get the desired specs. I'm a bit of a Tweaker, I know, but I enjoy making these adjustments to build my mech into exactly what I want.

Back when I had my trusty Commodore Amiga and would read about those computers in magazines, I stumbled onto an article about something called the Battletech Center, which, I believe, was located in Chicago. It was a location-based entertainment complex where players could climb into simulation cockpits and play MechWarrior together in two teams of four. It sounded amazing, but sadly, I never got to go. MechWarrior Online looks to have the software side of that experience for you in the comfort of your own home. It's enough to inspire me to build a simulator of my own - and I'm not the only one. I've seen some nice looking mech simulators being built and shown on the MechWarrior Online forums. Some games "sell" consoles - this one "builds" simulators.

I found that a lot of the mechanics are similar to World of Tanks; If you bail on a mission, your mech is unavailable until that match has completed, for example. Also, when playing an Assault match, you "attack" the enemy's base by standing within the denoted area; you don't have to shoot anything to take the enemy's base. Also, it seems that you can't take the enemy's base while they're in their base, so you have to either take them out of their base area... or just take them out. However, even in the Assault matches, I've seen more games end by one side eliminating all of their opponents than I have actually end by one side successfully taking the other side's base.

As for the warfare, you're taking command of a mech weighing between 25 and 100 tons (including Light, Medium, Heavy and Assault Mechs) and decked out with tons of your choice of futuristic weaponry, from SRMs (Short Range Missiles) to LRM (Long Range Missiles) and from Small Lasers and Pulse Lasers on up to Gauss Rifles, there's a whole lot of futuristic hurt available at your fingertips. The controls are set up in a simulator fashion, which is to say, your throttle can be set at different speeds and left there, rather than having a more FPS control scheme, where you have to keep holding down the direction key to move forward, but there is also the option of using a controller with an analog throttle and/or stick controls. Also, you have torso rotation, which allows you to easily strafe while running around. This works sort of like a tank's turret, except there are limits because your torso can't turn all the way around.

MechWarrior Online is still in beta testing, so there's a good chance there will be additional match types besides just Assault, but everything I've seen so far is amazing and awesome. And, when it goes live, if you're even slightly interested in checking it out, you have to try it; it's Free-To-Play. There are, of course, things that you can pay for, but many of those things can also be earned with in-game credits awarded for completing missions. The only thing I've seen so far that requires that you pay is to convert mech-specific experience into the more flexible General Experience - and by the time you feel like you need to do that, you would know whether or not you like the game.

Oh, and, yes, I'm currently in the stage of looking around the Internet for some pointers on how to build my simulator. I've seen discussion online indicating that the Steel Battalion controller can be used with MechWarrior Online, with the appropriate drivers and modifications... I'll let you know how that goes.

-Geck0, GameVortex Communications
AKA Robert Perkins

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